Overanalyzing the Mets jerseys in the deGrom commercials

There’s a new commercial with a caveman that kinda looks like Jacob deGrom from the back.

First question – why would this dude get a Name on Back, no number deGrom jersey? Is there a term for this in Uni Watch parlance?

deGrom caveman


Next question – do the women think deGrom hangs out in a deGrom jersey, and when he does that he wears just his name?

Third question – where does Caveman get his jerseys?  Why did they use an upside down P?

deGrom caveman jersey d


Now let’s look at the front.  Interesting take on a NEW YORK jersey.  This jersey is white and pinstriped, and has the city name in a fugazi font.  Hmmm.


caveman deGrom jersey front


(Breaking character for a second, it’s kind of an interesting look and I wonder where this prop got made.  I sort of want one.)

Finally, why is Jacob walking around in a generic cap?  When he does wear caps why does he wear something so generic?  Does he want to be recognized but doesn’t want to promote the Mets?  If Batman did this…

deGrom generic cap

Here’s the full ad so you can overanalyze for yourself.

One Reply to “Overanalyzing the Mets jerseys in the deGrom commercials”

  1. all of your questions are answered by licensing. to use a Mets jersey with the correct font, team name, number or hat would require a licensing deal with MLB

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