Winter Soldier? Are the Mets starting a Soviet Assassin in their rotation?

Saw this tweet yesterday….

the winter soldier



Let’s start with the nickname.

I don’t hang around the locker room, so I guess his teammates might call him Winter Soldier, as in “Hey, what’s going on Winter Soldier?”


Then there’s the whole Mets superhero thing where we have to give every Met a superhero nickname.  Let’s review.

Captain America: David Wright was on Team USA, and he is The Captain.  OK that works.

The Dark Knight: a magazine decided he was a suave dude who could save New York.  I hate it, but for purposes of this article I will allow it.

Thor: a guy from Texas with a name that rhymes with Asgard, and he has long flowing blond hair.  Perfect.

I feel like they have tried to force others, or maybe I am sleepy (trying to cut down on my Donuts Chain habit, haven’t had coffee).  Anyway, yesterday we got Winter Soldier.

From what I understand, Winter Soldier is a Soviet Assassin who generally works against the USA, and is an enemy of Captain America.  Sure underneath it all is Bucky who is a good guy and a friend to Captain America, but when he’s Bucky he’s Bucky, not Winter soldier.

When Bucky/Winter Soldier stops being Winter Soldier he becomes…..Captain America!  (read the wiki).

Is this tweet trying to tell us that David Wright can no longer perform the duties of Captain and that the next Captain of the Mets is Robert Gsellman?  Amazin!

Or has the Mets superhero thing finally met its end, and we should just stick with the obvious but catchy Gazelle Man?  I know what I plan to do.