Mets player took field in incorrect cap – did the league react? (#wearthecaps)

This happened…


So….it’s just an incorrectly colored squatchee and underbrim, right?  No big deal, right?

Did the league react?

The rules state all players must wear the same uniform.  This is a rules violation.

Which violations matter and which don’t?  What if Mr. Blevins accidentally took the field in a cap that said, oh I don’t know, FDNY instead of NY?  Would the league have reacted then?

What if two Mets took the field in incorrect caps?  What if nine Mets took the field in incorrect caps?  What if one player took the field in an orange t-shirt?  What if the orange t-shirt had a high color that said FDNY?

Just asking….September 2017 will be rolling around before you know it.  #wearthecaps

wear the caps