Hmmm 6:35pm – Niko reporting the following.
So this is good…
@metspolice They fixed it! Authentic Rawlings uniform from 1974 in place
— Niko Goutakolis (@NikoMetsPlus) April 6, 2017
And this….did Tom wear a dropshadow jersey in 2003?
@metspolice Scratch that, no they didn’t! “Tom Terrific” exhibit has the wrong uniform
— Niko Goutakolis (@NikoMetsPlus) April 6, 2017
And this
@metspolice After asking somebody that works here, they placed the wrong placards in the wrong place. Note the new card.
— Niko Goutakolis (@NikoMetsPlus) April 6, 2017
Thanks Nike – everyone give @nikometsplus a follow