Mickey Watch Watch: It’s “Easy to Imagine the End of Mickey”

Two days in, and it’s time for the first “Niko Watches the Mickey Watch Watch”, but before we begin, I want to copy and paste the definition of a Watch Watch:

For those who may be new, a Mickey Watch Watch watches to see what others may be saying about a possible Mickey Watch.  It does not mean that the manager is in actual trouble, it just means that others are talking about the idea of the manager being in trouble.

Today’s Watch is from Anthony Reiber, from Newsday, who I hadn’t read before this morning. He starts with a reflection of Ben McAdoo, and his firing, and then claims that the Wilpons could conceivably step-in and end the Alderson and Callaway reign.

Come to think of it, this post kind of doubles as a Mickey Watch and a Sandy Watch.

Still, it’s getting easier to imagine Jeff Wilpon — or whomever will be speaking for Mets ownership — stepping up to a Citi Field podium before the end of this disappointing season and announcing the end of the Sandy Alderson / Callaway regime.

Source: Reiber: Mickey Callaway seems to be in over his head as Mets continue downward spiral – Newsday