As you may have noticed, I pay a lot of attention to the SNY booth, whether it’s Gary sometimes being awesome and sometimes mailing in HR calls or me pointing out Keith doing a lazy job (and still nobody coming at me for writing that, which is so telling.)
Last night, like the night before, they went to Gelbs and Gelbs had some real solid information because he had TALKED TO SOME PLAYERS.
Wow, imagine that, doing some work and actually getting information.
So it got me thinking – and believe me I understand this is never going to happen, but what do you want me to write about, the great season den Dekker is having? – but what if they flipped Gelbs and Keith.
GGR – you have Gare driving the trailer as always. Ronnie to bring the smarts. Gelbs can bring his hustle and youth to the booth. Instead of Keith telling us he noticed something two weeks ago but did nothing to find out what was up, we would have Gelbs telling us that he talked to Rosario or Dom or Mickey and we could get some actual insight. Then Ronnie can handle the players POV and the old guy wisdom.
It’s a better use of Gelbs than having him wander around the ballpark telling us how the Rockies got their nickname.
Now you know who would be great at wandering around ordering food, and/or talking to the rookies’ moms?
Let Keith wander around. He can go hang out with the t-shirt people. He can go our some food. He can tell us how the Nationals got their nickname. He can discover things about the ballpark he’s worked in for ten seasons.
Let him just have carte blanch open mike to chime in whenever he wants – interrupt Gare mid It Is High, It Is Far….oh sorry confused my announcers there….To The track, To The Wall….same difference…..anyway, let Keith be the disruptive force that is the best use of Keith.
Think about it. It’s a little crazy, but it’s not that crazy.
Great job this week Gelbs. I know I’ve killed you this season, but that’s because SNY keeps sending you out on miscast missions. And the highlight of the season was Johnny Bench. Keep hustling!