Mets Police Morning Laziness – Thor was good, was The Dark Knight better?

My little article about Keith being lazy must have made its way to him.  He was clearly working harder last night.  Some great insight. Even read some copy for Gare.  Nice job Keith!

SLACKISH REACTION:  Thor was back, which was good because I can use this new Thor picture I took.  A nice outing for Thor, and it was under 3 hours!

Did you notice how much not just Gare, but Keith was dripping with hatred for Murph last night?  What did Murph ever to do anyone?

The Dark Knight also returned!  Now everyone will be singing Thor’s praises for his five innings, but what about Matty Baseball?   Here’s my recap of his game.

The Mets are playing a day-ish game today at 4.   I am hitting the beach, the blog is on autopilot and I wrote this last night.  LGM.