Hello from a baseball game in London.

Hello from London. It’s midnight. Iā€™m sleepy, tired, sweaty (90s here!) and full.

I hit the baseball game today. As an event it went well. The stadium is nice. They did a good job.

Dan and I went back and forth on that. Neither of us liked the PA announcer (the Balok guy they use at the All Star Game) and they did the Noise Patrol version of baseball. But then we realized the game wasn’t for us it was for the locals which made us realize if they played a Premier League game in NYC we’d want a British announcer etc. So nice job

As far as the baseball goes it was the worst baseball game ever played. We stayed for three hours but left after Top 5 because baseball is boring and London isn’t (Plus restaurants do close ya know).

Saw a lot of Mets fans. By a lot I mean like 5 guys.

I sent a report in to Uni Watch that I could see them using tomorrow so be sure to peek over there.

Fun city, nice event but wow baseball is boring. Good night Mets fans.