Sterling or Scully: Gary Cohen should have studied Bob Murph a little more

So a few things….I know we are all supposed to worship Saint Bob, and everyone says nice things on the record, but I have heard all sorts of off the record things that made me think his coworkers didn’t love him as much as we do in the fairy tales.

One such coworker is Gary Cohen.  You’d have to ask Gary about Bob – I have no way of knowing what Gary thinks, I am just saying that Gary was a coworker –  and I am sure Gary loved the man.

Here’s Murph calling a home run in 1969.  Notice the HUGE difference between “it’s going” and Gary’s “to the track, to the wall.”   It’s Going gets it done for all sorts of home runs.  Maybe on radio it doesn’t create the right picture in the mind’s eye, but on SNY it sure as hell would because my actual eye is looking at the TV (well. not mine, I am looking down at the laptop riffing hilarious jokes on twitter).

Verdict: Scully

Oh and stick around to see Tom’s imperfect game.