Mets seemingly forget their league sold out the jerseys to the sneaker company

Hey what a nice gesture by the Mets to offer this young fan a jersey…

Hey what a nice gift for the young Mets fan.

But wait….

Are the Mets deliberately sending the child a throwback jersey?    That blue one isn’t what Mets jerseys look like now.  Mets jerseys look like this….

…with that horrible squiggle about the M.  (Imagine a blue version for purposes of mocking the Mets here).

Why would the Mets choose to send the fan a jersey from before the kid was born?  Why not send him one of these?

…by the way that is a SWEET jersey….

…but why not send him that?  Why send him a 2019 throwback?  Why wouldn’t  the Mets send the nice young fan a proper 2020 Squiggle Logo jersey like the pros wear?

I will never understand these Mets, and I sure hope none of you rat them out to the sneaker company who will call MLB Central who will call the Mets and create a big controversy out of nothing.  DO NOT DO THAT.  Again DO NOT RAT THE METS OUT TO THE SNEAKER COMPANY.