Trump congratulates Keith Hernandez on his wedding? (I am all kinds of confused)

Before we begin let me just say that (a) I may just be terrible at reading comprehension and (b) I am in no way taking shots at the Times here.  But let me take you on my journey as I try to figure this out.

The Times writes, in an article dates Jan 5 2020..

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Beneath wind-swept palm trees and gilded chandeliers, President Trump dined with Rush Limbaugh and congratulated Keith Hernandez, the Mets announcer and former first baseman, on his wedding.

So I assume Keith was with the President – although I suppose it’s possible Trump was just riffing about how we might blow up Iran, and the Democrats are crooked and congratulations to Keith Hernandez on his wedding by the way, but this is a witch hunt and…


But let’s assume the Times is good at what they do (they are) – so Keith was with the President again?   Or is this referring to the 12/31/17 visit?

And I can’t even keep track of Keith’s romantic life – I think I imagine him living some sort of life Matt Harvey wishes for where Keith is constantly dating Babes (I am using that word deliberately, I think in my Keith Fantasy he is dating “babes” from the 1980s…they would look something like the above photo) – so I don’t even know if Keith is/was married, single, divorced, polyamorous or what but…..was there a recent Keith Hernandez wedding?  Did we all miss this?  Was it on the Amazing Apple Insiderized Mets Blog Report and I just missed it in between the recaps of Tejada’s season?

I just skimmed Keith’s twitter.  He did not mention a wedding.  He did take two weeks off twitter in December.   The GKR instagram is not showing me pictures of a wedding.

Or is this article referring to when Keith visited Mar-a-lago a few years back?  Let me do a lower excerpt…these are the first three paragraphs of the Times article..

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Beneath wind-swept palm trees and gilded chandeliers, President Trump dined with Rush Limbaugh and congratulated Keith Hernandez, the Mets announcer and former first baseman, on his wedding. He consulted with his national security and campaign advisers while basking in 80-degree weather, and, as always, he tweeted.

He also authorized a military strike that has roiled the Middle East and is likely to endure as one of the most consequential acts of his presidency.

For three years, Mr. Trump’s winter visits to Mar-a-Lago, his private club, have allowed him time to combine his personal and presidential business, often in the midst of the club’s wealthy members and his adoring friends.

So that makes me think that maybe this is referring to Keith visiting Trump for New Year’s Eve into 2018.

But I still don’t know….and Google isn’t helping me….is Keith married? Newly married?  Got married in 2017?  Divorced in 2010?  What is Trump congratulating him on?   Getting married in 2005?

I am so confused.  I am sure you will all hit the Facebook page and point out that I forgot Keith got married at home plate this summer and Pete Alonso did the ceremony or something but I am so confused.

Totally confused.  Help me.