Many many Mets fans need to chill out

Whoa it was crazy town yesterday.

Usually I do fluff (well extra-fluff, more on that in a second) on Saturday but today you get a “real” post.

The sun came up on Friday and with it came articles with “bankruptcy” in the headlines. Chaos ensued. I get it. I enjoy it. I predicted it earlier in the week when I took January 5th in the #metspool.

Then everyone kinda moved on for a little while until the Mets tweeted this..

…and then looney tunes erupted.

Some folks said (on twitter) that the Mets were lying, or being “inaccurate”, not truthful and other similar vibes.

How do these folks know what the Mets are doing? Are they moles in the Mets inner offices who have created sleeper-acounts where they spent years tweeting about trivial things only yesterday to secretly expose the true lying ways of the Wilpons (and Katz. Never forget Katz.)

No. Rather it is likely that the tweeters don’t have all the facts.

Was this spin? Sure. Isn’t everything spin?

What’s the big deal anyway? They Mets wanted to get some information out, so instead of having Dave Howard call Mike Francesa (especially on a day that was presumably Giants football talk, I don’t know, I never listen) they used a method of communication where they could reach 58,000+ fans and/or influence makers (I think I am one of the influence makers.)

Then the next thing that happens is that folks tweet that some combination of me, me and Cerrone, and/or all the bloggers are in the Mets’ pockets. I have kind of expected that since I did the game with Dave. Believe what you wish.

I’m fascinated at how the perception of the blog has changed in some eyes. In 2008 it was “shut up, nobody cares about caps/jerseys, just enjoy the game.” Now I’m too soft and don’t complain enough.

The financial stuff is out of my realm of interest. I can’t change it. I can attempt to nag the team into changing jerseys or having Banner Day…but I can’t do anything about Madoff or that someone thought they would draw 3.2 million every year. So I just read about it from Megdal to @mets. It’s all interesting.

But at the end of the day (which is a bad crutch phrase but seems to work here) I’ve always been more interested in the “other stuff.” I’d rather blog about a Ruben Tejada jersey, or spring training tickets, Mr. Met pics, a silly video or caps. Like this one. It’s yellow but it kind of works. I wouldn’t use it as a primary but I could see some of you pulling it off.

And that’s that. The Mets will win 60, lose 60 and the other 42 will define the season. Dan Murphy will rock or he’ll suck. Wright will rebound or he won’t. Reyes will get hurt in April or he’ll win the MVP and the Wilpons (and Katz, never forget Katz) will be cheap/stupid/etc.

Just enjoy it folks. If you wake up in the morning and the first thing you need to do is attack the Wilpons (and Katz, never forget Katz) take a deep breath and think about a little roller up along first or Mike Piazza’s home run or whatever floats your boat.

Speaking of boats, I’m meeting Jeff at the Yacht Club after Dave and I knock out 18 holes. Enjoy your Saturday.

Mets tweet about CRG

This is interesting to me because it’s a different style of communication than typically found on @mets

I’m not saying that it’s good or bad, but to me it reads like someone said “put out a tweet” which is in contrast to say yesterday’s Mr. Met pictures.

But twitter is a form of communication and one that easily and quickly broadcasts to the masses so why not use it?

