Wisdom from Mookie Wilson

The latest from Mookie Wilson’s blog.  Very interesting.

Controlled arrogance, championship teams have confidence in their abilities but awareness of situation that may force them to change their approach or strategy.

A championship team wins in spite of flawed coaching not because of good coaching.

via Mookie’s View: A Winning Team.

Meant to ask you guys, what did my dream mean?: Hojo was the RFer for the 2011 Mets and was misplaying balls.

You must read: the story of the first Mets uniform

The Supreme Commander of Allied Forces To Ditch The Black, Paul Lukas on Uni Watch has the story of the first Mets uniform, who wore it, how it came to be, and even a link to the 1962 prototype “swoosh” jersey (as Osh41 calls it).

Most importantly, the Mets got the uniform right in 1962 and 1962 + 50 = 2012 in case anyone in marketing needs any ideas for next season.

I’ll be over at the BJ’s Clubhouse looking for David Cone if you need me.

BJ’s in Mr. Met’s landing?

Seems that Formerly Mr. Met’s Landing has a sponsor. Anyone who refers to it as this will be kicked out of the Lee Mazzilli Fan Club.

Good catch by @paulsrandomstuf, who continues to be in the lead for Blog Of The Year