New Yankee Stadium 1st Impression: Citi Field Way Better

Let me say I'm not a hater. In fact I get grief from Mets fans for not hating. I'm wearing a Yankee hat and sweatshirt today…I'm underwhlemed.

Maybe it's because I entered thru Gate 8 and looped my way around the outfield and haven't done the Great Hall or whatever other surprises await…

..But all I see is concrete and gray conderblocks. I don't think the ghosts came. I feel like I'm at New Comiskey or Generic early 90s stadium.

I'm off to look for cool things but after one hour…the Mets have the way better park. It's not even close.

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Citi Field and Yankee Stadium Pictures & Reviews From The Papers

Newsday Picture Gallery of Yankee Stadium

Newsday Picture Gallery of Citi Field

Pics from my obsructed view in Citi Field section 504.

The Daily News talks to fans.

The Daily News agrees with me that there won’t be many homers at C-Field.

Nice article in the Times called Where Retro meets Recession

New Stadium Insider shoots video at New Yankee.

My review of Citi Field from last night.  Not as Dodgery as I thought.

Omar on Sheffield.

I’m heading out to Yankee.   You can live 500 years and you’ll never get two new stadiums in two days in this city.

I decided that when I invent the holodeck and become a gazillionaire and buy the Mets I will knock down Citi Field and put up a replica of Shea.   I will be called an idiot but I just want to annoy the Wilpons.

Pictures Of Obstructed View Seating In Citi Field Section 504 Row 3

If you have Promenade seating at Citi Field, watch out if you’re in the first three rows.   We walked around the park and there were lots of people moving up!

This is the actual seat they sold me.  Section 504, Row 3.   Go sit there yourself.

That’s not obstructed?  I don’t know about you but I like seeing the batter, pitcher and third baseman.  Don’t worry about the dude with the red hat, I understand there will be other fans at the game.  Even I’m not that whiny.

This second picture is what it’s like when someone actually uses the stairs.

After the rain I moved down to some seats downstairs.  The lower deck is great.

I really loved the stadium and don’t want to be sour – it’s really great – unless you’re in the first three rows upstairs.

To be fair to the Mets, the dude in the blue hat told me that he complained to the Mets and they are moving his seats.

Why Did The Tigers Release Sheffield?

Gary Sheffield is hardly the player he used to be. He is 39 and in spring training he was hitting under .200 On the flip side he did hit 5 homeruns this spring and the Tigers arepaying him $14 million a year.

That’s $14 million guaranteed.

You don’t drop a player earning that much unless you know something.

So what do the Tigers know?

Well, what do we know about Sheffield. We know he admitted to using the steroid laden “Cream” from Barry Bonds’ trainer in 2001. Sheffield has stated that he stopped using it when he found out what was in it and never went back to the stuff.

What do the Tigers know?

I have nothing to base this on other than pure speculation, but maybe Sheffield’ name is on that 2003 list of players who tested positive for steroids. If it is, that’s 2 years AFTER he said he had stopped taking it.

What do the Tigers know?