I know what baseball is trying to do, again, with the World Baseball Classic, but I just can’t get excited about it.
Instead of being excited that “my guys” are playing – I’m fearful that they might get hurt (hey the could also fall on the ice) but also that they aren’t spending time with the team.
Carlos Delgado, Carlos Beltran, David Wright and Jose Reyes away from the club for a few weeks. Um, aren’t they sort of the main guys on the team? Wouldn’t you want them around?
Oh yeah let’s send Santana and K-Rod there too.
Do you really care if the USA beats Italy 16-0 or if there’s some amazing final game where Jose Reyes is facing K-Rod in the 9th? (Really, really are you going to watch Venezuela vs the Dominican Republic? Really?)
Wouldn’t you rather the Mets win 3-2 at Port St. Lucie on a lonesome Wednesday afternoon? Have all the guys there under Jerry’s watchful eye so he can build a team?
I’m more interested in the fourth starter than the WBC. I’ll get more excited about Jon Niese pitching four scoreless innings than I will about Wright homering against Canada. The Mets couldn’t possibly let Santana pitch in this, could they?
I notice that none of the Yankees new toys were invited. Sure A-Rod & The Captain will be there, but Tex will be making friends with his new teammates, and C.C. and A.J. can keep their arms well rested for meaningful games in October, not March.