NFL Needs Patriots, Cowboys, Giants. Not Excited Today.

Usually today is the big NFL day for me.   Even Mrs. Mets Police knows that I like the AFC & NFC championship games more than the Super Bowl.   While the last five years or so have given us some of the better Supes, traditionally it’s a bad game.   Not the Conference Championships.   4 teams, two go home, two get hyped for two weeks (and can we stop with that and make it one week).

Today, I’m not feeling it dawg.

I even have to stop and make sure I get my matchups correct.

Eagles-Cardinals.   The Cardinals.  Who cares.  Nobody likes the Cardinals.   So I have to root for Philly by default.  

Steelers-Ravens.   The Ravens are one of the most boring teams in the league, and at least with the Steelers in we can (a) pretend it’s the 70’s and (b) shut up about Bill Cowher already.  

The NFL needs the bad guys.  We need Belichick to root against.   We need some speculation that Bill Parcells will leave Franchise X after the season.   We need the 40 year old quarterback who never won the big game (I guess that’s Donovan this year).   We need T.O. doing something dopey.  We need the defending champion trying to repeat.

This year, eh.  I have the Tivo set.  I won’t be there at 3:30, maybe around 5 I will start the early game and catch up during the commercials.  

Go Steelers?

You Don’t Know Baseball Like You Used To

An extremely slow day, and I don’t feel like writing about patches yet again, so I come to you with a premise:  You don’t know baseball like you used to.

I’m going to ask you some simple baseball questions.  15 years ago you would have rattled these off and laughed in my face about how easy they were.

1.  What is the current number of home runs needed to become the all-time career home run leader?  You have no idea do you?  You know it used to be 755 and it was 714 once, but what’s the number now?

2.  Remember 2130?  Of course you do.   Now Cal Ripken is baseball’s all-time Iron Man.   In how many consecutive games did Cal play?

3.  I will make this a little easier.   What is the current single season home run record?   72?  73?  74?  You tell me.  Are you sure?

4.  Who is currently the American League leader for most home runs in a season and how many did he hit?

The 2013 Hall of Fame ballot sure will be interesting.   Will the writers ignore Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Roger Clemens, and continue to ignore Pete Rose, Rafael Palmeiro (3,000 and 500) and the most popular post-strike baseball player Mark McGwire, you know the guy that restored baseball as America’s Past Time?

Amazing how things change.

(762, 2632 , 73 and 61 by Roger Maris).

Bisons Get New Uniforms

I feel like I’ve been very negative lately, so I will just report.

The Bisons announced these today.

You may find the NY interesting.

I enjoy the road font.

On the bisons website they are selling these, without the NY.

$8.29 Billion Loss, $45B from Government, Why Not Name A Stadium?

Citi lost $8.29 billion last quarter.  $45 billion in government loans.  A $20 million check to the Mets.

Yes a deal is a deal, a contarct is a contract, but good business partners help each other – and I think the Mets would be wise to offer a statement announcing how they’ve reworked the deal with Citi to allow their good partner to get their feet on the ground without worrying about stadium naming rights.   Let Citi pay $21 million for 19 years or whatever needs to be done.

I actually couldn’t care less about Citi or the Mets balance sheet.  As a fan what I don’t want is to have the Mets play one year in Citi Field, three years in Barclay’s Stadium, a year in Mets Field, six months in Jackie Robinson Park and then some time at the Coca-Cola Grounds.  That’s why I hate corproate names. 

I still call buildings “Candlestick” and “Comiskey” and I still use terms like Triborough Bridge and West Side Highway.   Name something and stick with it.   Wrigley is a gum.   Doesn’t bother me.   Name it, keep it…and I worry about this deal the Mets did.  

A bad deal in Flushing?  Nah, never happen.