Counterpoint: Pete Rose Should Not Be Enshrined In The Hall

Let’s clarify something right off the bat. The Hall of Fame is not ignoring Pete Rose. In fact, Pete Rose is already in the Hall of Fame.

Yes, I wrote that correctly.

Pete Rose is already in the Hall of Fame.

His accomplishments are recognized and memorabilia from his career is displayed. Depending on when you go you might also actually see a picture of him (probably sliding head first).

What he does not have is a plaque among the Hall of Famers. And this is the way it should be.

“Any player, umpire, or club or league official or employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any baseball game in connection with which the bettor has a duty to perform shall be declared permanently ineligible.”

That is the rule that Rose violated. It is displayed in every single clubhouse at every single level of organized, affiliated baseball. And I don’t mean displayed like the calorie chart of Whoppers at Burger King. It is displayed on signs large enough to see across the locker room.

In other words – if you ever set foot in a professional locker room, you should know this rule. How many times did Pete Rose see this rule? How many clubhouses did he walk into and out of in his career? He played or managed in 4,330 games in the majors. Add in minor league games, exhibitions, spring trainings, practices, etc. – you have to figure Rose walked past this sign at least 6,000 times in his life.

He knew what the rule was – and he knew the consequences of violating that rule.

It’s not a temporary ban. It’s not a suspension. It says permanently ineligible.

Rose was an amazing player. Was he the greatest at any specific position? Hardly. But he was outstanding at 5 different positions. And he played the game with more heart and passion than maybe anyone in the history of the game. He wanted to win all the time no matter what.

Sadly it was that passion for winning that was ultimately his downfall.

The debate whether Rose gambled or not is in the past (though the specifics of how he bet are still in dispute). Even if – as Rose now claims (and we know what kind of credibility that has) – he only placed bets on his team to win, it still violated baseball’s prime directive.

And as for those who will lump Rose in with those from the steroid era – stop. It’s not the same thing. None of the juiced ballplayers (McGwire, Sosa, etc.) ever broke a baseball rule. There was no rule saying they couldn’t use supplements. They did what they had to do to win and they should be in the Hall when their time comes up (see my comments about McGwire).

Bottom line, Pete broke the rule. You break the rule, you suffer the consequences.

Yankee Stadium Renovation Video (and Mets Field Simulations)

Mets Policeman Osh 41 found this cool Super 8 of the Yankee Stadium renovation.  No not the new building on the wrong side of the street – the real one!

Meanwhile, this video is much cooler than I thought it would be.  It’s what Taxpayer Field looks like in a new video game.  I’m happy the Mets aren’t wearing dopey black uniforms, but I’m sad that my el cheapo left field 500 seats are in the shade.

Speaking of seats – did anyone catch how much overlap there was in the “Saturday” plan (you know the one that comes with weekday games) and the Weekday plan.  I find myself with double tickets to like seven games.  Yes I should have checked but it’s still annoying.

And if you want to be unimpressed…check out Yankee Stadium III.

Thinking About Ollie, Wolf, Roger, Empty Seats In The Bronx and the New Name For Mets Stadium

Derek Lowe got his money and his fourth year.   I guess it’s hard to give a 35 year old a fourth year, thing stend not to work out (cough, Pedro) with that fourth year, but on the other hand it’s the price of doing business these days.  The old one stupid owner theory.

So I’d like to be mad and throw things but I get it.

So we’re back to Oliver Perez.  Guess who represents him.   Guess who knows the Mets really need starters.  How much do you think a 27 year old left-hander is going to cost now?   Ollie, you can buy lunch.

What are the Mets going to do, say no?   Tim Redding is a fifth starter….they need a four, and by four I don’t mean Four Inning Pedro.

This Randy Wolf fellow intrigues me.   He used to be pretty good back when with the Phillies before the Tommy John surgery.   He might be worth a gamble.

Morgan Stanley Stadium in 2010?   Is there a single person out there who thinks the present Name Which Shall Not Be Said (until they stop using taxpayer money to name ballparks) will last 20 years?   The Washington Post printed the following:

“I think within 12 months, Citigroup no longer exists,” said William Smith at Smith Asset Management, who owns Citigroup shares. He has been calling for a breakup of Citigroup for years, and believes the government will force that fate in piece-meal fashion over the coming year.

The Boston Herald has a piece about Roger Clemens not making the Hall of Fame.  Absurd.  Like I said about Rose unless you’re going to re-write the results book, Clemens is a Hall of Famer.

I may have to start my own Pantheon Of The Famous and invite Rose, Bonds, McGwire & Sosa to be in the inaugural class.

Finally, The Times says you can still get premium seats at Yankee III.  20 games will only set you back seven grand.

Published: January 14, 2009
The Yankees have hired a division of a residential real estate brokerage, Prudential Douglas Elliman, to help sell unsold premium seats and luxury boxes at their new stadium.