The Small Market Baseball Team From New York City

This off season I’ve enjoyed the Mets frugality.   The Mets act as if they don’t have all the same advantages as the Yankees.  New stadium (check).  Their own TV network (check).  New York City area (check).  They do.  They still might be #2, and always will be just like the Jets will never be the Giants and the Islanders will never be the Rangers and the Nets will never be the Knicks.   All that is fine, but you don’t need to act like you are Kansas City and should have taken a look at someone like Sabathia.

I find Mets fans are generally frustrated that nothing is changing with this team.  Wagner for K-Rod is a wash really…so the team is as good as it was going in to August 2008, and in the same division as a team that outplayed you two years in a row you have to assume that means second place.  Yes 30 blown saves or whatever it was doesn’t help.   The Mets still need two starting pitchers, a second baseman, a real catcher and a left fielder (yes I want to believe in Dan Murphy but I also wanted to believe in Keith Miller and Rico Brogna).

I spent a few days trying to find real numbers to show what a small market Queens is and thought they are hard to come by but I did find a few tidbits.

Sports Business Journal  says the Yankees on YES averaged 312,000 households, the Red Sox 242,000 and the Mets 239,000.  Comparatively 29,000 households check out the Orioles and a measly 8,000 the Nationals.  So a few more people watch the Yankees.   However if you play the now-dreaded “meaningful games in September” you can get over 800,000  viewers to tune in.  (Memo to Fred – let’s change the goal to meaningful games in October).

(Taxpayer)field has 45,000 seats.  New Yankee Stadium has 51,000 seats.  Someone with more time than I have can multiply the seats by pricing and come up with numbers.  At first glance maybe the Yankees have a few more bucks (although who told the Mets to build a smaller stadium?).  In 2008 the Yankees averaged 53,069 for almost 4.3 million.  The Mets were #2 with 51,165 and 4 million (source ).  So don’t blame the Yankees that you choose to sell 6,000 fewer seats 81 times.  The Phillies were fifth and those Red Sox who are having a great century somehow manage with their 37,000 fans.

In 2008 Forbes magazine valued the Mets worth $823 million dollars. (source).  The Yankees – $1.306 billion dollars.  Comparisons:  Boston at $816 million and the World Champion Phillies $481 million last April.

You’ve got the money.  You just charged me a $40 “order charge” on my ticket plan because someone needs to stuff an envelope (and send it to me, for which I paid a $25 delivery charge).   So my two tickets are 2 of the 45,000.  Lets assume the Mets sell out 80% this year – can we all assume they’ll sell tickets to 36,000 people like me between all the partial plans, and we all buy rwo tickets?  That alone is $720,000 in order fees and I’m being very generous with the math.   Also don’t forget your $20 million in taxpayer money being used to advertise a bank.  They have that too.

We all hate Boras but we need pitchers and he has them.  Get Lowe and Perez in here.  You have the money.  Two years of choking has been awful.   A new stadium is time for a new culture, winning.

Mets Police Hall of Garvey Nominees

As the blogosphere zeroes in on everyone’s faux Hall of Fame ballots, I’ve decided to repost mine along with nominees for the Hall of Garvey.
What’s the Hall of Garvey?  It’s that special place for the very good baseball player.   The player you wish you had on your team.  The guy that was a winner.   The guy who just doesn’t have the stats to stand with Babe Ruth, Ted Williams and Pete Rose (we’ll get into that on a slow day).
The Hall of Garvey is the home of such very good players as Don Mattingly, Keith Hernandez, and of course Steve Garvey.

Rickey Henderson.   Fame..  You know a HOFer when you see one.   Memo to Rickey – wear an A’s hat.
Jim Rice.   Garvey.  He belongs in the Hall of Garvey (which I invented to give a home to the likes of Jim Rice, Steve Garvey, Don Mattingly & Keith Hernandez).
Tommy John.  Fame.  288 wins.  Randy Johnson might be the final guy to get to this number.  Plus Rickey is a knucklehead and doesn’t deserve to have the day to himself.
Dave Concepcion.   Neither.
Bert Blyleven.  Garvey.  287 wins.  How do I put John in and not Blyleven.   I know a HOF when I see one, he wasn’t.  Off to the Hall of Garvey.
Andre Dawson, Harold Baines, Don Mattingly.  No fame for you.
Dave Parker, Alan Trammell, Lee Smith.  No.  Did you ever go to a game and get excited about Lee Smith?  No fame for you.    Parker might make the HOG some day.
Jack Morris.  Fame.   I know one when I see one.  
Mark McGwire.  Fame.   When you prove to me he cheated and you change the record book then you can send him to Pete Rose Island.   Until then I will show you Jack Buck voiced highlights.
Pete Rose.  FAME.   All time hits leader and a winner.
Dale Murphy.   A lock for the Hall of Garvey.  You kids should look up his MVP numbers some day.   Manny Ramirez has them beat by the fourth inning on June 1st.
Who would you put in the Hall of Garvey?

What Omar Should Talk To Pedro’s Agent About

Oh no, Omar Minaya is going to talk to Pedro Martinez’s agent next week.  The Mets Police are here to help and have prepared some questions for Omar.

How is Pedro enjoying retirement?

Does Pedro miss playing in Boston?

Does Pedro feel at all guilty about stealing money since June 6, 2006 after which he was basically useless?

Would you like another beer?

Would you like some good seats in the Promenade for Opening Day?

Sure Glad The Yankees Moved Across The Street

If only there were some way to modernize your ballpark, say by adding seats above a green monster or by building something new around the previous framework.  It’s too bad there isn’t such technology which is why the Yankees moved to Oklahoma City back in 1973.

If only there were a way to do this.   In such a world, would be able to write things like this below in the far distant future of 2009:

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Standing in mud and dust, often straining to be heard above the rat-a-tat-tat of concrete drills, Kansas City Royals officials said Wednesday they’re confident that Kauffman Stadium will be ready for opening day.

Whenever the massive $250 million renovation project does get finished, fans will hardly recognize the place.

Wraparound seating, extensive changes in the outfield and upper deck, wider concourses and added amenities are going to lend a nearly brand-new look and feel to the park the Royals have called home since 1973.

My Hall of Fame Ballot

Every year for the last few years I have posted my thoughts (in the past on my own blog) on who the Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA) should enshrine into the hallowed halls of Cooperstown (as if they would ever listen to just a fan.) Anyway, here goes my 4th Annual HOF Ballot.

This year 23 former players are on the ballot (down from 25 last year). Several newcomers this year, but really only one that stands out as a first ballot HOFer:

Ricky Henderson – I don’t think anyone could legitimately argue that Ricky was not a Hall of Famer. Was he abrasive? Almost constantly. Did he have a big ego? He made Reggie look humble. But the man could play the game. One of the greatest lead off men in history (I think Ty Cobb would debate that point), he had that deadly combination of power and speed – and he’d be the first to tell you that too. I would love to see him go in with a San Diego Sea Dawgs cap.

And returning from last year:

Jim Rice – This is Rice’s last year on the ballot, but the good news is he came very close last year with 72.2%. I was divided on Rice during his first few years of eligibility, but when I look back, he was one of the most feared hitters during his playing days. Had he not pissed off the media so much he probably would have gotten in well before now.

Andre Dawson – This is now his 8th year on the ballot. I still don’t get how you can ignore 438 HRs and 314 SBs and an MVP. He did get 66% last year so the future looks decent for his eventual selection.

Tim Raines – Raines was a seven-time All-Star who played 23 seasons and batted .294 with 2,605 hits and 808 steals, fifth on the career list. He was the 1986 NL batting champion. More than that, he was feared both at the plate and on the basepaths. The Rock deserves a plaque.

Bert Blyleven – This is now his 12th year on the ballot. He has 287 victories (24th all-time), 3,701 strikeouts (5th all-time), plus he ranks 8th in starts and 9th in shutouts. He had his best vote total last year (62%) but time is running out and a lot of new first ballot players are coming in the next few years.

Alan Trammel – This is his 8th year on the ballot, and after several very low vote totals (he’s never cracked the 20% mark) I don’t think he will ever make it. Tram pales in comparison to the new breed of shortstops – which is an unfair comparison and one I hope that the Veteran’s Committee will eventually rectify.

Mark McGwire – Yes his numbers were enhanced by chemicals – but he didn’t do anything outside the rules of baseball. I would even argue that MLB knew he was on roids and still promoted him. Should we punish him for acting within the rules?

Jack Morris – Best money pitcher ever. Opponents to his selection will cite his high ERA. That’s not all that makes a pitcher great. You knew when Morris was on the mound that you were seeing something special.

Then there are the almost but not quite players:

David Cone – Nice career but not a HOFer
Mark Grace – Lumped in with Mattingly and Hernandez
Tommy John – I vote no. Yeah he had almost the same number of wins as Blyleven, but he wasn’t as good a pitcher
Don Mattingly – outside NY his star is not as big – a no
Dale Murphy – I go back and forth on him. Ultimately I end up a no, but woudln’t be upset if he made it

The rest in my opinion are just taking up room on the ballot

Harold Baines – Not even close
Jay Bell – Please
Ron Gant – Who was he again?
Jesse Orosco – I thought he was still pitching somewhere
Dave Parker – Hell of a player but no
Dan Plesac – Can anyone get on the ballot?
Lee Smith – No, but fun guy to have a beer with
Greg Vaughn – No
Mo Vaughn – As mentioned previously, the Mets are actually highlighting him on the website
Matt Williams – No