The Captain (17) on Reyes Baby Attacks

Well, he’s got to get over that. Enough babying going on now. He’s a grown man, he’s been around a long enough time. Take off the kid gloves.

A Warm Thought for Bob Sheppard

Earlier in the year Bob Sheppard, the great Yankees PA announcer, and someone who should be in the Hall of Fame ASAP, told

So my target date to be back is July 1. There is an All Star Game to be played at Yankee Stadium on July 15th and one of my goals is to be there and announce it. I did one years and years ago at Yankee Stadium but I can’t recall it. So now this would be something to remember. I do want to be there next year when we open a new Stadium. And I’d like to be the one who says, “Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen…Welcome to the NEW…Yankee Stadium.”


Bob, I hope we see you soon if not tonight, and wish you nothing but the best.



Interleague Missed Opportunity

With all the hype this year about the final season at Yankee Stadium, MLB has been going out of their way to honor the House That Ruth Built, yet I think they missed the boat on what could have been something really fun during interleague play.

The Red Sox have always been the Yankees great rivalry in the AL, but who has been there foe more often than not in the NL? Of course I’m referring to the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers.

The Dodgers have played more games in Yankee Stadium than any other NL team (35, all but 3 in the World Series). The rivalry between these teams in post season is legendary and MLB should have honored that.

Plus, you would have also had the added drama of Joe Torre returning to Yankee Stadium – talk about an instant ratings winner.

What was MLB thinking about when they scheduled the Padres and not the Dodgers?

For the record, the Mets have played 32 games at Yankee Stadium.

Chacon Released But Manny Stays?

As the Boston Globe Reports:
These are questions swirling around the ball club in the aftermath of a regrettable Saturday episode in Houston (first reported in the Providence Journal) in which Ramírez argued with club traveling secretary Jack McCormick and shoved him to the floor.
Why does Shawn Chacon lose his job but Manny stays?  I guess if you can hit well or pitch well you get to stay and push anyone you want.  
Will the Sox take any action – or is a series against The Rays more important than decent behavior?

Corporate Field Wish List

The Mets (ok, specifically the Wilpons), like to speak about how the new ballpark next year – Corporate Field (because you know the name will be resold at some point) – was built with the fans in mind.

Really Fred?

You built this thinking of me? I’m flattered and amazed considering I, nor any of the other Mets fans I know of were ever asked what we wanted.

Corporate Field looks like it’s going to be an amazing place to see a game (for those that will be able to afford it). However let’s be honest here. The park was designed by you, for you. Now don’t get me wrong, you are the owner of the team and since you are paying for it you do have the right to do it the way you want it to be done.

But if you are serious about listening to what the fans want, then I have a few things I’d like you to consider:

  1. Tom Seaver Statue: I am really shocked that this has not been announced or even discussed publicly yet. The Mets are going to honor Jackie Robinson, a man who never played for, coached, or managed the team, yet the one player who for 40 years has been The Franchise, the only player wearing a Mets cap in the Hall of Fame, is not being honored??? There should be a larger than life statue of Tom Terrific outside the front gates to the new ballpark. Period.
  2. William A. Shea Plaza: And the place to put that statue, the brick covered area in front of the rotunda, should honor the man who made the Mets possible. I would love the new ballpark to be called Shea, but I am not naive and know that corporate naming rights are all but neccessary. That doesn’t mean the team should not find a way to honor Bill – and something more than putting his name up on the outfield wall.
  3. Keep The Apple: OK, I went back and forth on this for quite a while. I am not the biggest fan of the apple – actually I find it very bush league and seems to only contribute to the Mets being looked at like a 2nd class club in this city. However, the reality is the mets will always be that, so, as Jerry Manuel himself has done, it’s time to embrace that. Don’t put a new apple – the apple is hokey because it’s such a piece of ….well garbage to say it nicely.
  4. Banner Day: What ever happened to this? I know it used to be done between games of a double-header and we don’t have those on the schedule anymore. So here’s an idea. Schedule a double-header with the first game between the Brooklyn Cyclones and the Staten Island Yankees. No room in the locker rooms? No problem – these are class A guys, they can change on the bus. Gives them a thrill to play on a major league field, gives the fans something unique and fun, and gives us back banner day
  5. New York Giants: No, not the football team in New Jersey. As we have been saying on here for a while, the Mets seem to forget that they were formed, and received their colors, from two teams. It’s great that they honor the Dodgers with the design of Corporate Field and with the naming of the rotunda. Now it’s time to honor the other team as well. How about naming the outfield grandstands for Willie Mays? He even was a Met so it makes it an easier pill to swallow.
  6. Mrs. Met: What ever happened to Mrs. Met? Did she run off with Dandy (the short-lived Yankee mascot from 1980)? She was the first female professional sports mascot and deserves to be brought back.