Pedro Is A Four Inning Pitcher

I’m not second guessing – feel free to comb through this entire blog.  You will find posts such as “Pedro Exposed” (9 wins since June 6, 2006) and even yesterday between games I warned Jerry to warm somebody up while they batted in the fourth.

7.12 ERA!
42 hits in 30 innings.

A 5th starter at best – and only because this team lacks depth.   It’s becomming increasingly clear the Mets lack depth at starting pitching, infield and outfield.  They do have 5 catchers and apparently are/were deep at manager.

Other quick hits:

I wish they’d stop playing Subway Series games on beautiful beach weekends.  Keep these in May.

Heard Sterling say “someone must have turned on the radio” when Delgado’s walk up music played.   I guess he’s nnot a fan of that style of music.

Heard Sterling & Suzyn talk more about Chacon.  He’s coming to the Bronx.   Bet on it.

Too nice out to blog.   See y’all tomorrow.

Yankee Stadium Security

What’s with the “no bags” nonsense at Yankee Stadium?   I don’t want to be blown up just as everyone else doesn’t, but really, no bags?  Don’t they think some people might attend a game after work.

And what’s with making us take off our hats.   What exactly are they checking for?

Hopefully at Yankee Stadium 3 we won’t have to take our shoes off and pass through metal detectors.

Anyone want to bet a dollar they take a stab at personal seat licenses?

Anyone want to be two dollars the Mets do?  The Mets haven’t even announced ticket prices yet.  Maybe we should root for them to struggle lest we wind uup having to give them $20,000 for the right to buy field box season tickets.

Shawn Chacon and Rizzuto Park

Was listening to the Yankee announcers – I always like hearing a different perspective, which basically meant if the count went 1-0 on a Yankee batter that the Yanks were likely to win the World Series – and I heard Suzyn & Sterling talk at length about Shawn Chacon.

Basically the message was this:  he’s going to be a Yankee.

The Yankee radio machine made sure they I knew that:

Jeter likes him
Jeter stuck up for him
Cashman likes him
Chacon likes the Yankees and even said hi in Houston
And Jeter likes him
Sure you shouldn’t assault your GM but, well, Jeter likes him.

In other Yankee news, I see Phil Rizzuto park is going to be in…..Queens?   That doesn’t seem right, but then again the Joe DiMaggio Highway is in Manhattan and the Mets are moving to Dodger Stadium.

That’s One!

I want all four.

Tonight you have Four Inning Pedro vs Ooh La La Ponson.  Note to Jerry – start warming someone up while you guys bat in the fourth.

Wish they had wasted more of the Yankees bullpen and less of ours.

They should tell Delgado he’s DHing tonight and when he asks if he’s up just say “not yet.”

I better not hear a big ovation for Carlos tonight. Don’t be hyprocrites. Everyone wanted him released all week. Not me, because somebody has to play first.

Are my eyes getting bad or were those BLUE HATS WITH THE TRADITIONAL ROAD UNIFORM???!!!!

And yes Virginia, the football Giants are money grubbing meanies.