Lady Liberty All-Star Statues: Wow, Are They Ugly

I love the fact that the All-Star Game is coming to NY and even though I am a Mets fan, I think it is completely appropriate that the game be held at Yankee Stadium given the historic significance. (Why Shea has been shafted for many years – another time).

However some of the over-the-top festivities/promotions that MLB and the city have cooked up are just too much.

This past weekend, 42 replica Statue of Liberties (about 6 feet tall) were deposited at significant locations throughout the city. The replicas have the same design as Lady Lberty, but have been painted/overlaid with garish colors and pictures/emblems of the 30 current MLB teams as well as 12 other New York baseball-related themes (the Brooklyn Dodgers and NY Giants count as baseball-related theme apparently).

Aftet the All-Star Game these statues are to be auctioned off for charity. OK, of course I am going to say that is great. But have you seen these things? They look HORRIBLE.

MLB has already started to hear some criticism that by defacing Lady Liberty in such a way is unpatriotic. I disagree. Small replicas of each of the 42 are available for purchase at and there is nothing more patriotic than selling a version of a national icon.

But seriously, these things are ugly and do nothing to celebrate the reverence that is supposed to be the All-Star Game. (I actually got through that last part with almost a straight face).

Mets & MLB Think We Are Morons


That’s the alledged number of people at Shea last night. (Yeah spare me, I know all about “paid attendance.”)

The number in the newspaper is 49,789.

Anyone watching the game last night saw an empty upper deck and an empty mezzanine.

49,789. That’s approximately the number of people who survived the Cylon attack on the colonies.

Even Howie Rose can’t believe that number.

I can’t find any pictures of last night’s game that aren’t closeups, but if you’re reading the Mets Police you probably watched the game and know I’m right.

49,789. Stop insulting us.

I Still Heart Jerry

Another great quote.

“It’s fertile ground for a team’s growth and development. Sometimes fertile ground has fertilizer. Fertilizer is a good thing. It’s a good thing. You get the greatest results, get the most beautiful plants, when you put it in that type of fertile soil.”

Some people are saying he’s giving the fans crap. I don’t. I think he’s just saying it’s been a crappy year but there are some building blocks.

This team can go two ways. It’s kind of old. However there are Wright, Maine and OverReyes, and maybe Pelfrey has figured it out…and maybe Perez resigns, and maybe there’s enough to build around if Omar stops giving two year contracts to 44 year olds.

Thunderstorms tonight, and the Mariners come to Shea every 6 years so enjoy sitting there all night. Sure glad there’s no dome at Citi Field.

George Carlin

Baseball is played in a field. A field named after a bank. Citi Field. How quaint.

Football is played on a gridiron, in a stadium, sometimes called Soldier Field or War Memorial Stadium.

Baseball ends in September when you blow a seven game lead. Oops. We lost again!

Football begins in September and the season continues until the very last day when the New York Giants are named champions.

In baseball we ignore the New York Giants and pretend they never existed.

And in the words of George, the closer:

In football, the object is for the quarterback, otherwise known as the field general, to be on target with his aerial assault, riddling the defense by hitting his recievers with deadly accuracy in spite of the blitz, even if he has to use the shotgun. With short bullet passes and long bombs, he marches his troops into enemy territory, balancing this aerial assault with a sustained ground attack that punches holes in the forward wall of the enemy’s defensive line.
In baseball the object is to go home! And to be safe! “I hope I’ll be safe at home!”

Rest in peace George, you shall be missed.

Yogi 1965

So I was trying to figure out why Yogi Berra played with the Mets for a month in 1965. Why sign in late April and play 4 games. Then he was cut. Whose choice?

So I’m looking up Yogi in Google News and I stumble across this:

Mets Say Berra’s Job Is Safe–Unless Fans Say Otherwise; Mets Say Public Opinion Can Decide Berra’s Fate


July 6, 1973, Friday

The mauled Mets return to New York today after a week of nightmares and will face Henry Aaron, the Atlanta Braves and new questions about Yogi Berra’s job which the management in sisted yesterday was safe for the time being

I guess things don’t really change.