Willie should just stay quiet and take the high road. Don’t forget, three weeks ago he was in the middle of a “racism” controversry. The Mets turned him into a martyr. All he needs to do is stay quiet and let Hank & Hal offer him a chance to wave at the All Star Game….Willie would be a returning hero and the Mets would look like idiots.
So stay quiet.
Willie spoke to the News…some interesting things:
Then (Omar) handed me an envelope, a little parting gift, and told me to make sure I reviewed it with my agent, Ron Shapiro.
It was a copy of my Met contract that basically says I better not say anything detrimental about the team, or I might jeopardize the rest of the money I have coming to me.
Boy these Mets are really afraid of what people might say about them or think about them. The more they try to control the message the stupider they look. Do they really think that if Willie came out and called them names it would really turn people into Yankees fans? If the Mets win, they draw. That’s how it is.
As for the “racism” controversy, Willie is remoresful:
The bottom line is that by suggesting that the color of my skin had something to do with how I was judged, I did nothing but sow the seeds of my demise. I kick myself about that every day. It makes me angry – and really sad.
Now the Mets Police were all in favor of a change at manager, and always felt Willie whined his way into the job in the first place. However, this was handled so so so so poorly. All the Mets had to do was fire him on Memorial Day. Now everyone feels bad for this guy.
Even The Mets Police.