How To Make The Mets Organization Stop Being A Joke

The general consensus about the Willie firing is that this organization is a complete embarrassment.

Below is something I posted earlier in the year which seems appropriate this morning:

2009 presents an opportunity to start fresh in a new ballpark.

Some suggestions:

1. Embrace Mets tradition. This is no longer an expansion team. 45+ years. The Dodgers left a half-century ago. Let Los Angeles have them. Focus on the Mets. 1969, 1986. You’ve done a good job embracing 1986 on SNY, now do so with the team. Have some days to honor the guys we all love – Keith, Mookie, Wally, Gary….even invite Straw and Gooden back (when he’s available).

2. Create the position of Director of Franchise Integrity. Most of this franchise’s image problems could be solved by me, you, or any caller to WFAN. For example, did they really think doing this at 3:15 was a good idea? Run that past the D.F.I. Since this is a new position I offer my services.

3. Stop with the black uniforms. White pinstripes at home, the current road uniforms with a blue hat for the road. If you want to sell black or yellow or polka dots stuff at Modell’s that’s fine. Just look like a baseball team on the field. The Yankees sell plenty of t-shirts and hats without looking like idiots.

4. Create “The Mets Way.” When knuckleheads arise, rid the franchise of them. No more Vince Colemans. The Mets did a good job getting Milledge out. If Pedro can’t be bothered to show up and wave on Opening Day then good riddance.

5. David Wright is The Captain. This franchise lacks a career long franchise player. Let’s keep him here forever and let him be the captain. He doesn’t need a cheesy C on his jersey, but let it be known he is the man. Even if he just has OK stats for his career, the fans love him. Let us love him for a long time.

6. Tell Seaver to show up. If it takes paying him $50,000 per appearance like the Yankees had to do for Joe DiMaggio, then do it.

7. Bring the Apple. Why does management fight on this one? Bring the apple. yes we know it doesn’t work so well. It’s ours and we want it there, just bring it.

Originally #2 was: Put a Met in place as manager. No more Yankees. I’m openly in favor of Mazzilli. How about Backman? Carter. Hojo. Fans will love it. I want to be fair to Jerry Manuel, so since he’s brand new we’ll give him a shot. If it doesn’t work, this one goes back in.

Willie Fired! (No Really This Time)

Wow, I’m kind of surprised and feel a little bad for Willie because of the timing.

Why torture the man and make him fly to LA when they could have done this over the weekend? Did they think that by being on the West Coast we wouldn’t notice? This isn’t 1977 where the Daily News has “Mets at Anaheim, night.”

This has been handled so poorly by this organization – like so many things, which is why this blog exists.

The few news reports have Jerry Manuel as “interim” manager, which means things are still not settled.

The Mets Police, as always hoping the Mets win, wish Jerry nothing but the best and may he win the World Series.

On a vaguely related note – add Torre to the All-Star Game coaches staff.

Wang: Boom

Newsday reports he’s out for the season. Boom.

But How Many Fans Did Howie Rose Count?

The Iowa Cubs played in front of zero fans on Saturday. Because of the flooding, a curfew did not allow any fans to attend the game, but the team decided to play anyway.

It is rumored that Howie Rose was broadcasting the game and said “about 40,000” in the stands, as he often says of obviously empty Shea Stadium. No confirmation of that yet as Howie was supposed to be in Flushing at the undomed stadium across from the new undomed stadium.

ESPN’s Stadium Travel Guide

I don’t have time now to really break this down but ESPN has posted a “Stadium Travel Guide.”

The suggestion for “nearest sports bar” is on Steinway Street. That may actually be accurate, but anyone with an understanding of Queens knows that hitting the sports bar on Steinway Street before the game ain’t exactly like hitting Stan’s at Yankee.

It’s fun that the list comes with a map and not one thing listed is on the map. Closest food is 108th street.

Hopefully Citi Field will hook us up with a normally priced bar, since there is no dome.

Nitpick away: