5 Greatest Games At Yankee Stadium?

A&E Home Video is working on another set. This one is for the 5 Best Games at Yankee Stadium.

The problem is that they have to be games of which they have a complete copy – so that means 1970s and beyond.

What would you put on?

Here’s a starter list:

  • 2001 Word Series – Game 5. Best game I ever attended.
  • The Reggie 4 Home Runs game
  • Do they have the Maris 61 game or just the last inning?
  • Does the first game at the present stadium exist?
  • And how about the game where Suzyn Waldman lost it over Clemens returning – with the radio call dubbed over the TV feed.


Uniform Numbers Real and Rented Part 4

Back again with some more thoughts on what real Mets and what “pretend” Mets are associated with each uniform number (and thereore who should take down the Shea countdown numbers). Today, with information from Mets By The Numbers, we’re looking at 16 – 20, maybe the best group of numbers so far.

Rightful Owner(s): Lee Mazzilli & Dwight Gooden
Rent-A-Met(s): Derek Bell & Paul LoDuca
Comment: Two of the all-time favorites wore this number and yet the Mets continue to let others wear it? I’m not saying it should be retired, but Derek Bell? Angel Pagan is wearing it now which will change once Lee takes over as manager.

Rightful Owner(s): Keith Hernandez
Rent-A-Met(s): Bret Saberhagen
Comment: Yes I know Keith won his MVP and made his bones with the Cardinals – but he was the Captain. It’s a shame that 15 other guys have worn the number since.

Rightful Owner(s): Darryl Strawberry
Rent-A-Met(s): Moises Alou
Comment: Joel Youngblood gets a nod here as well, but Darryl will always be 18. On a side note I have really been enjoying his in studio work on SNY.

Rightful Owner(s): Ron Gardenhire
Rent-A-Met(s): Bobby Ojeda
Comment: OK, so Gardenhire was a stretch and with his work managing in Minnesota clearly makes him more oa Twin than a Met now. Ojeda was a Red Sox that the Mets rented, period.

Rightful Owner(s): Tommie Agee & Howard Johnson
Rent-A-Met(s): Shawn Green
Comment: This is a great number with both real mets contributing to the only World Series victories for the Mets. I’d give Agee the nod to take down the game number though.

Ugly uni combo today

I don't recall them wearing pinstripes with the hybrid black hats (with the ny you can't see on tv) with black stirrups. This is ugly. So was Jose's fumble at 2nd base.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Sunday Night Baseball

I don’t want to listen to the Mets complain the THEY have to work late on Sunday and then work again Monday night. Plenty of patrons of theirs have out of town business trips and show up for work the next day. So no whining and definitely don’t use it as an excuse when dropping 4 of 6 out west.

What everyone should complain about is ESPN Sunday Night Baseball moving games. Yes Mushnick has well covered this ground but I wanted my say, because I have Sunday tickets. When I got Sunday tickets it was with the idea that I would go to games on a Sunday afternoon.

The Mets sold me a ticket for a 1 o’clock game, I’d like a 1 o’clock game. I’d like to take the kid. I’d like to get home before 1:30 in the morning on a Sunday night.

Even if ESPN must have night games and the right to night games…why does it start at 8pm? Prime time ratings begin at 7 on Sundays. More than half the population of the United States lives in the Eastern Time Zone. (Read that last sentence twice and remember it come playoffs and football season). I’m sure it makes no difference to Dodgers fans if the game starts at 4pm or 5pm (or 10am). What’s with the 8pm starts?