Mr. Met Meets Bollywood

Changing it up for at leats one post, something on the light side.

So this video was posted on YouTube about 11 months ago and some if not most of you have probably seen it. It’s still worth posting now though. Easily one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

My only gripe is that Mr. Met is wearing a black jersey and a 2-tone cap.

Is There A Seaver Curse?

When you’re sitting in the upper deck at Shea during a long game, the conversation can wander a bit with one topic leading into another.

The Mets Police and I were discussing uniforms (possibly the only time most men will discuss fashion) and I mentioned how in 1992 at Tom Seaver’s induction ceremony I saw a family of 4 all wearing different versions of his uniform – the father had a classic Mets jersey, the mother a Cincinatti one, the son a Chicago White Sox 41, and the daughter a Seaver Red Sox shirt – truly a dedicated family.

Mentioning Seaver on the Red Sox in 1986, we realized that the only times the Mets have been in the World Series, Seaver has been present:

  • In 1969 he was their ace
  • In 1973 he was their ace
  • In 1986 he was in the Boston bullpen
  • In 2000 he was a roving instructor and broadcaster. (There was also a Tom Seaver bobblehead promotion in July)

Seaver has not had a role with the team since 2005 and is now concentrating on his vinyard in Napa Valley (first bottles are due out sometime this year).

Can the Mets get to the World Series without Tom Terrific somewhere nearby?

The Boston Red Sox Essential Games of Fenway Park

Another great box from A&E Home Video.

A treat on this one is a game from 1967. The print is awesome, and it’s nice to watch and hear a baseball game that hasn’t been ESPN’d and FOX’d with wooshes and graphics.

I can assure you nobody was on the ‘roids in 1967.

Also on this set is proof that Pedro is a Red Sock and will never ever never ever be a real Met.

Howie Rose colored glasses

Paid attendance: 52000

Howie said 'probably was 40000'

Absolutely no way. Howie knows that. Interesting

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Live from the Upper Deck

Guys behind me discovered the sunday game moved to night They aren’t happy.

Nice play by Endy – called a second before by guys in back of me. I like these guys

My Jeff Kent rage came back when I saw #12. To this day I would not trade you David Cone for Ryan Thompson and Kent. And I mean todays david cone.

Cyclones fan is here with me. He’s taking pictures of the crowd. I guesstimate 25000. He says I’m being nice. They will announce 46000 I bet. Pics tomorrow

If Tatis gets to wear #17 I guess that isn’t going on the fence any time soon.

If the mets sign a phenom named James Shea will they take the nameplates off the

Cyclones fan just asked if they will include the skyline at ‘corporate field’ and if so will it include the twin towers.

Woooo the captain just homered!

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