Hello. Obviously I have bee away from the blog for a few weeks, but now I am back from one of my MI6 Missions and wanted to catch up on this one,

Obviously great all around. So refreshing that the Mets aren’t dilly-dallying with this and making DW wait until he’s an old man. Obviously he deserves it (especially in the new Mets culture of retiring numbers left and right). It also makes sense to add him to the HOF as well (too bad some idiot castrated the museum and turned it into a gift shop). Also a point off for sticking a sponsor on this. Steve has enough money, must EVERYTHING be for sale? Can’t anything just be pure?
Also as nitpick – why does the Stadium patch diss the Polo Grounds? (Despite what some of you think, I don’t walk around all day kicking dirt grumbling about how the patch doesn’t mention the Polo Grounds. I move on with my day. It’s just an observation.)
Another observation – is the biggest image of DW actually David, or what AI thinks David looks like, or an artist’s conception of David?
Another other observation – all the images they used are pinstripes. No Pinless, no black, etc. Very nice.
Anyway, nice job Mets. Keep it up.