> CNN reports: last week, a lesbian complained that an usher at Safeco Field asked her to stop kissing her date because it was making another fan uncomfortable. CNN also mentions that the Mariners announce a code of conduct at each game that specifically mentions public displays of affection.
>Lone Star Mets
>Lone Star Mets has a good post that sort of captures my writer’s block this week….everything is working so it’s weird to actually enjoy the Mets. Of course i could always bitch about what they are wearing but 8 of 10 I’ll shut up.
Lone Star does a nice job. Check him out at lonestarmets.com and here’s a snippet.
Tuesday night I was watching the Mets take on the Marlins and the strangest thing happened: I had fun watching the game. It was weird. I wasn’t depressed or upset, just happy to be watching the Mets play.
>Wicked Good Sports: As Griffey approaches 600, MLB whitewashes history
>Technically out of our jurisdiction, but a really good posting about how MLB is promoting Ken Griffey Jr.’s pursuit of 600 HRs. In their TV spot, MLB lists the dates when Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, and Hank Aaron hit their 600th. But hold on a second, I seem to recall in the last few years 2 other players surpassed 600. Don’t tell me that Bud Selig and cohorts are purposefully ignoring Mr. Bonds and Mr. Sosa.
“Rather than group Griffey together with three Hall of Famers and two alleged steroids cheats, the league decided to exclude Bonds (the all-time home run champion) and Sosa, who reached 600 just last year. Now, I’m no steroids apologist, but that’s deceitful, dumb, and the act of a weenie (Mr. Selig). Bonds and Sosa’s numbers haven’t been stricken from the record. Moreover, they were the last two players to reach this cherished plateau. Yet to watch MLB.TV, you’d think a hitter hadn’t reached 600 since (cue the solemn piano music)… “Hank Aaron, April 27, 1971.†Why make the commercial at all if you’re going to insult the intelligence of baseball fans?”
The steroid era is part of MLB history – whether you like it or not it has to be acknowledged.
Wicked Good Sports: As Griffey approaches 600, MLB whitewashes history
>Sliding Into Home: A Yankees Blog: Sheppard Improving, May Be Back For All Star Game
>Nothing we hadn’t already heard from the interview Bob did with Bustedhalo.com, but nice to hear the Yankees confirm.
Sliding Into Home: A Yankees Blog: Sheppard Improving, May Be Back For All Star Game