15 Pictures of Mets History at Digital Domain Park

Hey remember how we all beat up on the Mets for not having “Mets Stuff” at Citi Field?  I don’t know what Digital Domain looked like before I got there, but on Saturday it was quite clear that this is the home of the Mets.

The pictures are after the jump…click on any image for a bigger view.  Good job St. Lucie.





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Alternate Mets Caps: Spring Training Compilation Part 1

Believe it or not as much as I like generic posts and evergreen content, there were way too many Spring Training Caps for even me to write 30 posts about them…so here’s 5 at a time.

The traditional blue with the palm tree we have already discussed…my fave.

The camouflage one is interesting in that the NY actually pops on it, unlike say a black cap.

The generic block print is a design I like in general (my Yankees Wild Card cap I bought to bust chops is like that).

Click on any for full view and larger image

WSJ profile of Mets’ Jay Horwitz

Having now had the opportunity to meet Jay once or twice (I think twice) I see why everyone says great things about him.  Very endearing.  Here’s a good read.

Horwitz has his flaws some in the media gripe that he can be slow delivering information, but caring isnt one of them. He says his greatest professional misery has come in watching the Wilpons suffer through the Madoff coverage. “A lot of it has been really unfair,” he says. “I dont know two more decent, honest people. And Im not saying that as a media person or employee. Im saying it as a human being.”

via Mets Jay Horwitz: Three Decades, Only Two Days Off – WSJ.com.

Bobby V gets the job

“I dont think anyone has the time that it takes,” Valentine said. “I think it takes 48 hours a day, from as far as Ive seen. I have to tell you I have the energy and the commitment. I will make time…..My mornings, my afternoons, six days a week, are mine and at this time theyre the city of Stamfords.”

via Appointments Committee questions, then approves Valentine as safety director – StamfordAdvocate.

Between ESPN, this, buying the Mets and his secret identity as Batman this man is very very busy.

Dave Howard is right about Mets fans.

Dave (Howard) from Flushing says:

“….I think fans want to get back to baseball, watching games, rooting. If the team plays well, early indications are the fan base will be there with the distractions. There is no question the start of baseball is welcome news. Fans are excited to get the focus back on the field.”

I’m with you Dave.

The internet is filled with doom and gloom thus morning about finances. I was hardly interested.

I’m not saying it is important or that the articles were unnecessary, what I am saying is I am more interested in Young, Niese and Dickey.

I bought three jerseys already this spring (thanks Modell’s). I have my eye on Mets at Phils the afternoon before the home opener. I’m thinking about when we should gather the Blue Cap Army.

I’m interested that Dwight Gooden called a fan to try to sell tickets.

Dave is right. They win, you won’t care about Fred. Nobody cared about Fred until Willie couldn’t close a lead and Omar couldn’t handle the media. There was always a zoo from Gooden to Cone to Coleman to Phillips but it was never about the owner.

Dave does say sales are better than last year. Of course since single games haven’t gone on sale yet and the total walkup is zero it’s a little hard to judge yet.

There ya have it. Took three years but you got my “Dave Howard is right” article. Let’s play ball and if you look closely you might see me and Dave hanging in the Promenade some day.

The full Gooden/Howard article Is here.

Adam Rubin expertly recaps the doom and gloom.

How was the MSG show? I was out.

Imagine the double-circus if Omar had to explain finances?

I’m ready to see if Sandy can play a lousy hand. I think he can.