Parade part ?

A-Rod. Crowd buzzing. Enjoying it the way jeter isnt. Looks relaxed.

Roy halladay

Kevin youklis

Michael young

Grady sizemore

Some guy named scott kazmir. Hes loved.

Mariano rivera

Ervin santana

George sherrill

Dioner navarro

Francisco rodriguez

Josh hamilton big ovation

Jd drew. Jason varitek

Joakim soria.

Justin morneau cool guy

This is a great event. Crowd getting quieter

Evan longoria

Cal ripken biggest ovation yet

Clint hurdle

Papelbon shows heckler his ring

Lou piniella big ovation


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Live at Parade 8

Terry Francona coming….will they boo?… there are cheers. He could play Picard in a Star Trek reboot.

Girardi on deck….ovation no diff than francona

Reggie coming….crowd abuzz….reg gie reg gie reg gie!!!!! Reggie soaks it in

Jim leyland

Cliff lee

Joe quenten and joe crede. Mrs quenten like a 50s movie star

Dustin pedroia gets cheers

Ichiro suzuki

Jeter crowd explodes. Jeter above it all. Least friendly parder so far. Surprised.

Bradley and ian kinsler. Kinsler is cool

Joe mauer

David ortiz. Big ovation. Hes styling and happy

Carlos guillen

Joe nathan

Arod next

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Live at parade 7

Lee Macphail drives by to silence

Ralph Kiner not much of an ovation. Not a mets crowd.

Hank Aaron big cheer

Luis aparicio

Willie mccovey riding inside the car

The underrated Frank Robinson

Joe morgan not loved.

Ryne sandberg underappreciated.

Juan marichal

If 66 active players are part of this – and maybe they arent? – this will be a very long parade.
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Live at asg parade 6

Rollie Fingers in good spirits

Rod Carew. Gossage. All famers in good mood so i'll stop mentioning that, dont assume any slight if i dont

Tony Gwynn

Wade Boggs and Eddie Murray

Harmon killebrew and al kaline – nobody knows them

Gary carter, he who wants jerrys job, do the fans love him…….bob gibson gets bigger ovation (they rode together)

Steve Carlton and Tony Perez (a very underrated player)

Another break

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Live at parade 5

Bob Feller smiling

Yogi Berra clearly not on steroids and Whitey Ford.

Biggest ovation, mostly yogi – was hard to see whitey

So other young associate is here – i say you didnt even notice whitey ford – he says he pitched a perfect game in the 1956 world series. I berated him.

Fergie jekins talked to us. Cool guy.

Dick williams

Ozzie smith tells us he needs a trampoline to flip

Lou brock

Paul monitor and robin yount cool guys.

Lasorda big ovation

Jim palmer looks great

George brett

Great fun. Another gap now

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