The Quotable Manuel

So far I’m loving this guy:

“Once you step into an authoritative position, you’ve got to be an authority. That’s the bottom line, and that has to be accepted. I’m not here to make friends or for people to like me.”

“I really believe that our team plays good for five, six innings, then all of a sudden, where’s the focus and intensity?”

“I don’t care how much you squiggle and squirm.”

and is this one real?

“Last night, Reyes. She acted up. I brought her home with me. She had a day off.”

>Let OverReyes 'Rest' His Hammie

>Jose, really? You show up the brand new manager in the top of the first? Have a seat.

One of the things I mentioned yesterday is the need for 'the Mets way.' I'd rather they lose with honor than win with knuckleheads.

Jerry needs to show there's a new sheriff in town. Have a seat Jose, maybe you can play Friday night. We wouldn't want to aggrivate that hamstring of yours.

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Let OverReyes ‘Rest’ His Hammie

Jose, really? You show up the brand new manager in the top of the first? Have a seat.

One of the things I mentioned yesterday is the need for 'the Mets way.' I'd rather they lose with honor than win with knuckleheads.

Jerry needs to show there's a new sheriff in town. Have a seat Jose, maybe you can play Friday night. We wouldn't want to aggrivate that hamstring of yours.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

>Two Things I Like About Jerry Manuel Already

>Still in the first inning out in Anaheim and I’m already liking Jerry Manuel as the interim manager.

First, during the press conference this afternoon, Manuel stated very clearly that he will not ignore what happened to this team last year, a marked departure from Willie. You cannot ignore the greatest collapse in baseball history – Jerry seems to get that. He said he would try to “use it as a springboard…to motivate us to play at a different level.” Thank you Jerry.

Second, the way he handled Reyes acting like a petulant child when he didn’t want to be taken out of the game tonight. Manuel did the right thing and won the battle of wills with Reyes – though we will have to wait and see if there are further repurcussions. I hope he sits Reyes.

I also still want Lee, or Wally, or John Stearns – but will join in with others for right now and throw my support behind Jerry. At least for this road trip.

>Let's Go Mets!

>Time to move on. You have to start somewhere, so let’s start here.

I feel like we’ve gone through the primaries of the Metropolitans National Convention. My candidate, Lee Mazzilli, will not be the choice of the party – so I hereby throw 100% support behind Jerry Manuel.

I hope Jerry runs off 15 straight World Series championships before retiring and entering the Hall of Fame. Best of luck to you Jerry.

When Jerry’s time ends, I’ll go back to campaigning for Lee.

In the meantime, I’m done (at least for 24 hours) with the negativity. The organization is embarrassing, but so were the 1993 Yankees. We start somewhere, lets start here tonight with a win vs. Anaheim.

Let’s Go Mets.