Might Wagner Be The Only All-Star?

Whoa Mets Police…that’s crazy talk. We have Reyes and Wright and Santana….there will be like 5 Mets on the All Star Team…and the game is in New York…..

Well you might be right.

It’s hard to project what happens but right now nobody is getting voted in to start. Reyes ain’t making it (he’s third), and doesn’t deserve it. Wright is second behind Chipper…wouldn’t surprise me at all if The Captain makes the team.

Santana? 7 wins looks good right? Brandon Webb is in, and Zambrano with 8 wins is in. There are 7 guys other than Santana with seven wins.

Somebody from Colorado has to go – and don’t forget who is managing – so Aaron Cook is in. That’s three starting pitchers.

Who are you taking from the Giants? How about Tim Lincecum with seven wins? So that’s four starters.

Edinson Volquez of the Reds has 7 wins with a 1.46 ERA….hard to ignore. That’s five.

How many starters will they take?

If I’m a betting man – look for David Wright and Billy Wagner and that’s it. Stay up late if you want to see any Mets in the All-Star Game this year.

Pedro 1, Mets Police 0

I feel like I should write something clever and fun but I kind of have nothing to say about last nights game. I caught the first inning and that's it. Quality start, Pedro won – so I will tip my blue hat to Pedro.

There's been so much negativity this season, even this blog is way more negative than the plan, so hooray Pedro won and the Mets are on a good run.

Looks like the big story today is Yankee panic. Joba didn't throw a 59 pitch perfect game so now the plan was horrible and everyone wants him back in the 8th inning. Did you really expect a different result last night? Give it time. However the NYYs are sticking to this 'plan all along' story. So who was going to be bumped from the rotation if kennedy and hughes had 6 wins each. Mussina? He might be on the all star team

Speaking of all star teams – why is willie a coach and not say….nope tricked you…lou piniella. Yes Joe would be great too. But why not Lou?

Rays lost to Bosox. Quite a race there in the AL East.

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Play The Subway Series on 9/11

Not my idea, but it’s so great I want to publciize it.

The Mets and Yankees are both off on September 11th.

Here’s the idea trail as explained by Anthony Rieber in today’s Newsday who writes: Full disclosure alert: This wasn’t my idea. It was first mentioned on our Mets blog by beat writer David Lennon on May 16, the day of the rainout. And he got the idea from Newsday reader Ryan Mulholland.

Good job, guys. Good thinking. And Ryan points out that scheduling this game would be easy for both teams because, for some reason, both teams are home the weekend of Sept. 12-14.

On Sept. 11, the Mets are in the middle of a homestand. So we’d be asking them to give up a day at home. The Yankees play in Anaheim on Sept. 10, but it’s an afternoon game. So they’d be back in New York with plenty of time to get 40 winks and do a little laundry before heading to the ballpark to help some people who really need it.

Here’s Rieber’s story. Great idea by Ryan Mulholland.

Pedro Has Won 7 Games Since 6/6/6

In 2005, Pedro’s first season as a Met, Martinez posted a 15-8 record with a 2.82 ERA, 208 strikeouts, and opponents batted .204 against him. Great!

They finished third with a whopping 83 wins! That’s three fewer than the legendary 1976 Mets that you can’t name five players on.

Martinez started the 2006 season at the top of his game. At the end of May, he was 5-1 with a 2.50 ERA. Great! This guy is 20 and 9 as a Met! Awesome, right? Let’s take it from there.

Beginning on June 6, (6/6/06!) Martinez went 4-7 with a 7.10 ERA in a series of spotty starts interrupted twice by stays on the disabled list. The Mets went to the playoffs without him.

2007? 3-1 in five starts with a 2.57 ERA. During the last week when they needed an ace, he dropped one 3-0 to St. Louis.

2008? 4 innings so far. Since June 6, 2006 this guy is 7 and 5. Whoopdedoo. He’s 27-17 as a Met. Pedro has won 7 more games than Tom Seaver since June 2006. Santana’s already won the same amount. A nice 5th starter, sure why not….but the savior, I doubt it.

Mets To Wear Plaid Uniforms

Well not really but you paused enough to recoil in horror didn’t you? That’s actually the Giants, from which the Mets borrow the NY and for which the seats at Citi Field will be green. (The Mets join the Orioles in honoring the New York Giants with green seats).

In other uniform news, the Mariners were able to wear spanish language jerseys without looking like idiots. When translated, “Mets” is “Mets” and “Mariners is Marineros.” “Los Mets” is “The Mets” which is why the Los Mets jerseys are awful.

(credit to uni watch for all this, except the sarcasm – that’s mine.)