Articles suggested to me the Mets CMO might actually get it

Citi of the Planet of the Apes

Ad-week spoke with one of the Mets execs under the headline: Making Fans the Brand Turned the New York Mets Into More Than a Meme Team

And you know what…its very good…and it sounds like these guys get it.

Now, the article ignores the missteps like having Oral Sex Lady throw out the first pitch, and if I put my mind to it probably 800 other things (they also didn’t mention basing the marketing around the guy who hates the fans) – but it’s a very nice article and gives a person hope.

I like the ad campaign with everyone telling their own story about the Mets.  That TOTALLY gets it (although it is poorly acted and they could have just grabbed real fans).

Good stuff Mets.

Mets Playoff tickets on sale Thursday

Exciting Wild Card Action!

“Potential home games in Wild Card Series” are very unlikely as the higher seed hosts.


FLUSHING, N.Y., September 23, 2024 – The New York Mets today announced single-game tickets for Postseason games at Citi Field will go on sale Thursday, September 26 at 10 a.m. Fans can access the sale by visiting

Fans should log on early, as a limited number of tickets for potential Mets home games in the Wild Card Series and National League Division Series will be available during this sale.

Renderings of the casino Steve Cohen wants to build on parkland

Hey, these renderings are lovely.  I’m sure there will be beautiful meadows and young children playing in the grass.  This is exactly how its going to look!.

Just beautiful.  It’s so lush and green, with some 40 yer old trees that have been lovingly transplanted to their new home.  People are just sitting on the grass not worried about where they parked.

The Mets aren’t even home on this rendered day, but if they were, nobody would be chasing the tailgaters and their beer.

I mean it’s so beautiful, with the 40 year old trees that have been lovingly placed in their new environment.  People are out on a lovely stroll.  Not worried at all about where they parked.

There’s even going to be a new train station!

And don’t forget all the full stands at the Taste of Queens.  That place will be hopping on non-game days as people head to the area for a bite to eat.  There’s no chance THAT winds up being half empty after three months.  I mean, look at all the successful bars, restaurants and breweries in the Citi Field storefront.

AM New York has all the details.  This is totally what it’s all going to look like!!!!!  You’d be insane not to hand over parkland to a billionaire.

I mean, sure, it could end up looking like this image below, but it’s totally going to look like the images above!  I mean, are my renderings any less realistic than what Steve’s team is selling?

You’d think someone who cared about the neighborhood as much as Steve would have included the new soccer stadium in his renderings.  Will the soccer fans not be able to use the new train station?  Wouldn’t the new soccer stadium (and public school, and affordable housing) give an even better picture of how amazin’ this is all going to be?

You think there’s just going to be degenerate gamblers smoking outside the casino?  You’re crazy!  This is a beautiful park, with 40 year old mature trees that have been lovingly transplanted and taken care of once the casino is up.