Man I guess we’ll be talking about THAT game for quite some time.  Anyway, I am busy today, here’s a cap post.

Here’s a great illustration of why black doesn’t work as Mets color.  When they had the hybrid caps, the black made the blue look kind of purple.  You can see that effect here – it looks purple until you really look at it and realize its blue.

Anyway New Era put out some caps to get everyone excited for the playoffs.  Show everyone what a big time Mets fan you are by rocking this.


Hey @mets DRESS NICELY and Win the World Series and I go away!

The stated mission of this blog has been to stay here until the Mets win the World Series while nicely dressed.  By nicely dressed I mean NOT IN BLACK.  No black, no drop shadow.  You have nice uniforms. They look like this.  Wear this.  With a blue cap.

Now I know it is Friday, and you guys seem to think Blackout Friday is cool.  I can swallow it during the season but this is the playoffs.  Let’s look like a baseball team here.

I want to stop doing this, and you’d be thrilled if I go away.  Star Trek is desperately in need of me to fix their disaster with a daily blog pointing out all the stupid things THEY do.

So help me help you.  Dress nice and win the World Series.  Then I will blog about the parade and then I will go away.  Your move.



LOL Mets! poor Brandon Nimmo had to make video begging us to attend playoff game

LOL this is pathetic.  #DeezMets, the second place losers who seem hell bent on wearing black on Friday, seem to have forced Brandon Nimmo to make this video. Watch to see how pathetic this is.

“We need fans…to sell this place out”

“We need you guys to come out.”

Hey baseball mafia, the sport is doing great, right?

What’s the excuse NOW? Mets drew less than the Padres

The old days

I am going to assume these last few home dates didn’t make up that 3000 per game deficit as I am not sure there were even 3000 people at these games.  Let’s assume the numbers hold here…

So what is it….

The Wilpons are gone.

Did the Mets now win enough for you?

Does Steve need to spend even more?

Maybe black uniforms aren’t magically bringing back millennials?

I know you’re worried about the pandemic and you wear a mask all the time and didn’t go see Top Gun or any concerts this summer and haven’t been in any bars or restaurants.


Is it possible that….

Baseball is boring.

Citi Field is REALLY overrated and the only people who love it wear matching t-shirts and only hang out 500 feet from home field

Prices, which have always been insane, are insane?

Maybe don’t build around someone who boos his own fans?

Anyway, I keep being told baseball is doing great….so that’s that, it’s doing great.  Keep doing great baseball!  (and a third of the league averaged under 20,000!!!!!!!!)