Former Mets 2B Alomar to return jersey

The Internet rules today! We’ve had Mercury Mets, Skyliners, some fun with Dave Howard, I didn’t even get to the jersey of the day yet…but Roberto Alomar is providing more dividends than he ever did while playing in New York.

Here’s an actual statement from his website, complete with a screen grab. Mercury Mets Cap-tip to Deadspin.

How funny is the story that was printed regarding Roberto Alomar today! Let me say that Roberto did see the YouTube video, and immediately reached out via e-mail to the young man that owns the T-shirt. Not only will “Kanji” receive his shirt back, but he will also be receiving a few additional items in a personal package directly from Roberto.

Hey, let’s face it… Your T-shirt will now be a part historic baseball video footage for life! The parade was awesome. And during the parade, Robbie was given several items by fans…including flags, shirts and banners. You helped honor the Blue Jays during the parade, and Robbie was very proud to represent the team with it…even if it was by mistake!

You will get it back, my friend. Trust me, Robbie has enough Blue Jays shirts! Thank you for continuing to support Roberto Alomar!

You own this Mets jersey: 1993 road swoosh jersey

@mezzanine1976 with something so rare I don’t think I’ve ever seen one, including on any Mets. That season was in that magical haze of “girls more interesting than a terrible Mets team that blew a dynasty.”

I don’t hate the underline on the road jersey as much as the home.  I do own a home version now thanks to Media Goon’s poor luck with buying sizes.

So..consider how awful the current jerseys are, what do you think of this?  Discuss…

The Daniel Murphy Action Figure « Faith and Fear in Flushing

Greg Prince from Faith & Fear in Flushing is crushing it.  I may just take the day off and keep linking to him.  Here’s the opener to a really nice (as always) piece on Murphy.

You gotta love Daniel Murphy. He really doesn’t give you much of a choice.

You wanna get down on Murph sometimes. You wanna scold him, rap him gently on the snout with a rolled-up newspaper, admonish him off the furniture. “Murph! Don’t stand there by first base! That’s where the first baseman stands!” Then you remember you can’t stay mad at him because it’s not his fault he’s Murph, or that it wasn’t until after you adopted him that you realized he didn’t come with a position.

So we let Murph wander around the diamond. We let him think he has a position — or maybe we just try to convince ourselves he does.

via The Daniel Murphy Action Figure « Faith and Fear in Flushing.

The Apple gets into the whole urinal situation

Man today is awesome. I have so much good content lined up I just know they’ll trade Beltran and distract everyone.

Over at The Apple (winner of the 2010 Mazzilli Award for Blog of the Year), Randy has a winner involving Dave Howard and urinals. It cracked me up.

One blogger named Shannon or something even asked me once why the bathroom is the only place at Citi without an obstructed view

Touch ’em all Randy, you deserve it. Oh wait, that’s really awkward in this post. Go read The Apple

Faith and Fear: Let’s Go Skyliners

Greg Prince, a true gentleman and awesome writer shared this one from his archives.  Please support Honor Among Bloggers and visit Faith & Fear in Flushing, which you should do every day anyway.

Following a discussion of names not chosen back in 1960-1962, here’s a road not taken…


That guy’s Tweet about what FAFIF was almost called (Jason came up with the name Faith and Fear in Flushing — and I’m quite happy he did) reminded me of two “alternate reality” logos a buddy of mine drew at my behest a few years ago.

What if the Mets had been the Skyliners?