Blue Cap Army Unite



Hey guys, since the Mets are giving away blue caps on Saturday night, why not go to the game to show that you want to support the blue cap army. Yes,we all know Shannon is a capitalist and so am I. It would be nice if I could get a few bucks in my pocket for all the work I do behind the scenes for this guy.
Want to go to the the game Saturday night and looking for a good deal? Use Mets Police tickets. Damn I feel like Don West right now. Support the Mets and the Blue Cap Army!

Click the image above to get to the ticket page

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Gooden, Strawberry and Mazzilli coming to Old Timers’ Day!

Hey good news!

Dwight Gooden, Darryl Strawberry and Lee Mazzilli will all be at Old Timers’ Day on June 26th!

Bad news!

It’s in the Bronx!

Why market your own history when you can let Hal steal it?

Mr. Einhorn, I’m making sad eyes at you. I know you’re one of us. You can do this.

It’s apparently easy to get those three to a game. Darling, Hernandez, Ojeda and Mookie are all employees. We’ve done almost no work and there’s 7 great names already coming.

Come on Dave – you and I both want to see Kong, excuse me “Sky King” (rolls eyes) out there.

Mr. Kingman was often called Kong. He didn’t like the nickname and preferred “Sky King”. Nobody called him that. Nobody.

Back Under .500

Since Shannon is elsewhere and I am in charge of the joint, I feel like I should post every now and then. So far so good that there is no crazy Mets news yet. Maybe we are bucking the trend of Shannon goes away and Goon get slammed with breaking Mets news.
It was nice while it lasted. Back to one game under .500. I am still enjoying just watching this team I think we can all admit that they have Manned Up and Played Better for the most part( that slogan looks good on a shirt maybe a certain website should start selling them on Sunday). So what if there is a gaffe here or a balk there. I still see this team playing with heart and that the game means something to them.
The players definitely do not look like thy are just going through the motions. This team is definitely not boring. One game under .500, at this point in the season, with no JOHAN, IKE, DAVID,or BAY(yeah I know he is physically there but come on) is just amazing.
I for one can not wait to go to the game Saturday night and get my blue mets cap. Who else is going to be there?

I hate being out of sync with the Mets

Hello from west of Queens!

It’s so weird to me to go into complete Mets withdrawal. I’m so used to being immersed, and on twitter all daylight. This trip has left me to busy to even do a 3am post.

.500 seems nice. Let’s hope it sticks.

Took me an hour to figure out why Gee came out and didn’t get a win. That’s what happens when all you have is the MLB App at your disposal, while walking.

Nice job by MG finally getting the shirts in. Hope you like them, and hope you buy one. I’ll have a real system for ordering in place by Monday but in the meantime just email [email protected] or @mediagoon

In the spirit of honesty, yep if you buy a shirt we make a profit. About $5. We’re openly capitalists, and the plan is to reinvest the $ back into the site, but we’re not looking to gouge anyone nor become a t-shirt site. We just like the phrase and thought it might be fun.

Well, I gotta go back to my Highly Classified Secret Mission. I hope you’re enjoying the pre-posted articles and whatever Goon is doing.

Let’s Go Mets!