Jerry Manuel has 7 games left as manager of the Mets

This is going nowhere.

The Yankees and Phillies will finish this off.

Before we all kill Jerry ask yourself – who would you start at first?  second?  short?  third?  the outfield?  catcher?

I bet you have the same 8 names Jerry does most nights.

Would you start Santana, Niese and Pelfrey? Were you not going to start Maine and Ollie?  Who were you rolling out there?

I’m not sure there’s too much to kill Jerry about.  Sure we can all find some things, you can do that to any manager, but the big problem with this team is pitching.

The Wilpons won’t go into the summer without being able to sell product.  A managerial change will allow them to have spin.  I don’t know how many tickets Bob Melvin will sell but this is where things are heading.

Next week.

Here’s a video of Pagan’s inside the park homerun. I would embed it but Major League Baseball would go out of business if people could have clips on other websites.

Shouldn’t an inside the parker be called a quadruple?  When I see “Home Runs” that’s a measure of power, not a pinball.  Start a new stat.

Still talk of a Tuesday meet-up.  Will keep ya posted.  Was very very busy in the real world today and tomorrow looks no better.

Mets cap trade this weekend

This weekend, the Mets are having one of their cap trades.   I think it’s something like bring a crappy cap and they’ll give you this one which apparently fell off a time machine from 1977.

I’m not sure how I feel about this one.  It’s somewhat blue which is good.  However, I don’t think it would look good on you unless it was turn back the clock night and Mazzilli was playing center.

I’m not even sure this is worth trading in a hybrid cap for.

I kind of like the idea of the cap, but when would you wear it – what would you pair it with.  I’m open to suggestions.

(Cap trade is for first 5,000 fans or something.  Check for proper information and rules)

Mets giving away a few tickets this weekend?

Hi gang – USA Today has an interesting note about the Mets giving away some expensive tickets for this weekend – and a quote from Dave Howard that suggests the tickets were unlikely to sell.

I don’t have time to walk the beat today and research the details of it or how you might do it.   I’ll see if I can call in the deputies. Here’s the story.

When I have more time I’ll get into the quote – who set the prices so high that Subway Series tickets go unbought?

As for the Blue Cap Army – trending towards Tuesday.  Another project I wish I had time to work on today.

Catch ya later!

Guest post: are teams holding back tickets for Stubhub dumping?

A guest post from Scott:

Are sports teams entering  the secondary ticket market?

Places like Ticketmaster, through the events they sell have indirectly been getting involved in the secondary ticket market for some time now.  With their VIP options, and “auctions” just being a glorified way of directly scalping tickets to consumers, could sports teams also already be involved in a similar practice?

It’s strange to look at the Yankees and Mets ticket sales and watch how on stubhub, there can be blocks of tickets for premium games to which group tickets were supposedly not sold.  On the other end, with tickets selling for pennies on the dollar, are the teams directly involved in this practice?

Is MLB possibly in cahoots with Stubhub and reaping a significant portion of the fees and shipping charges to off set directly selling tickets that wouldn’t move otherwise for such a low price?   If this is happening, wouldn’t it be a serious conflict of interest?

More recently, is it possible the Mets are holding back single game cheap seats to the Yankees series in order to generate the perception of these tickets being sold out and forcing the unknowing customer into an up-sell?  The ticket world could be going down a very slippery slope and ironically, it may be because of the teams and not the typical talking point, the scalpers.

I don’t know what goes on or doesn’t, but I will tell some personal anecdotes.

Just this week I heard this story: A friend of mine is going to Chicago this summer and bought some tickets on Stubhub.  A few minutes later he got a thank you email from the Cubs.  That was nice of them.

This morning MLB emailed many fans including me to let us know we could buy tickets to the Yankees or Phillies series on Stubhub.

I decided to see if there were any tickets available through for Tuesday’s game.  Yep – I can get myself some $19 seats.

I’m not smart enough to know what motivated MLB to send such an email today.  Perhaps there are some bargains on Stubhub they wanted me to know about.  I could right now get two for Tuesday from Stubhub for $18, which is less than the face – I’m not sure how it shakes out once fees are compared.

So, thanks MLB for letting me know I can potentially save a buck.  That must be it.