16, 17, 18

From last week’s McFadden’s gathering.  I really liked this…and I’m weird enough to walk up to strangers in a bar to ask them if they will pose.

Find me a nice looking Mets jacket

I deserve to have a Mets jacket.  I want something I can wear on days when it’s a little cool in the morning, and hopefully get some use out of in October.

My parameters:

NO BLACK.   I spent Monday looking on-line.  Black has permeated EVERYTHING except $400 Mitchell & Ness jackets

Reasonable Price.  Come in under $100

Clean look.   I’m not 12 years old.

Buttons or zipper.  No pullover.

See the jacket in the post?   Like that but in traditional Mets colors.

Baseball has been fine for 140 years without replay

It’s a good thing that it wasn’t “Phil Hughes” who lost a perfect game.

Some guy you hadn’t really heard of on a who-cares franchise loses a perfect game and the local sports station is more intereted in K-Rod and weekend plans.

The national guys are in an uproar because it’s a great topic that will kill a day until the Lakers and Celtics give them something to bore us with.

If “Andy Pettitte” loses a perfecto this would be World War 3. It is good that it wasn’t…..

…because baseball is fine.

On every play there is a human making a subjective decision. Was it a strike? I’m not sure. I was leaning a little to the left. I owe you a call from that last one. You are Jeter and you took the pitch so it’s a ball, but not for you rookie it’s a strike. Hey Tom Glavine I know we have called that pitch a strike for 15 years but not today.

The guy made a bad call and he picked a bad time to do it. Then he manned up and admitted he blew it. It’s annoying, move on.

I don’t want replay in baseball. Do you ever watch a football game and think that it’s great that the ref is reviewing a play?

Baseball is slow enough without reviews.

Would there be a 5th ump who rings a bell?

What happens if SNY’s camera misses a play?

Do the managers get two coaches challenges? Can Jerry ask for a play to be reviewed to buy time for a pitcher to warm up?

As for Selig’s magic reset button scenario: say the commish decides to declare the game was over. What was that 28th batter I saw? Did that not happen? When else can Bud use his magic powers?

This was an annoying one time statistical anomaly in a sport that has played millions of innings. There’s no need to overreact. Someone blew a call on Tuesday and someone will blow a call tonight. Just like always.