Nueva York Knicks show Los Mets how to do it

I openly hate the Los Mets jerseys.   It looks dopey to have a tiny “Los” on the jersey (reminds me of Spinal Tap) and it makes no sense to wear a jersey that basically says “The Mets” and in the past I have observed that jerseys in the Mexican league don’t have “Los Tigres” they just say “Tigres.”

So what to do?  Am I against having fun nights?  Nope, but there’s a way to do it and last night the Knicks figured it out.

Once you’ve decided to let tradition go, free your mind.  Instead of tiny Los jerseys, why not wear Nueva York at home?  It will likely look really good on a road-style jersey.   Even I won’t bug out if they wear the city name at home, it’s not a big deal for a one-off.

Just trying to help you Dave Howard.

Catching up with my Yankees friend

Long time Mets Police readers may recall that I sometimes chat baseball with a friend I call “Mr. Sunshine.”

Sunshine is a Yankees fan. He knows the Yankees will always win and has bought into every last piece of Yankee propganda that bleeds pride and tradition. In Sunshine’s world Johnny Damon was a true Yankee and steroids are things that only happen to other teams.

Sunshine is still convinced Torre will get the ’08 Yankees to the playoffs – something like that. No I didn’t make an error in that previous sentence.

Now that baseball is back so is Sunshine.

Sunshine was asking me about the Yankee ripoff name of the spring training home of the Mets. To me it’s Thomas J. White stadium but perhaps Mr. White was discovered to be a member of Al Qaeda or something and now we have Tradition Field (?). It’s tradition right? Or is that the Yankees’ park? Point conceded to Sunshine.

We also discuss tickets. For about an hour yesterday Sunshine threatened not to renew his Yankee tickets because he wanted to be closer or out in the sun or something. Sure enough he called last night to let me know he’s back in. Yeah, no kidding. Shocker. The new fake Stadium is awesome too.

Sunshine actually has a good deal going because Mrs. Sunshine enjoys the Yankees too and goes with him to games. Every game. She even drives!

Mrs. Mets Police wouldn’t go to Flushing even if I were the starting pitcher, and I’m not kidding because I actually did start a game last September but you were watching Sanchez and missed it. We lost.

Sunshine is one 2 for 4 away from telling me Granderson (is that the new guy?) is a true Yankee. Sunshine will start a 47 year old Jeter and tell me he can still go to the hole.

As Yankee fans go, this one is fun without the usual obnoxiousness. How is the Yankee fan in your life?

(link) Faith and Fear on Obstructed Views

Faith and Fear wrote at length about the Times article, recapped Dave Howard’s previous statements and threw the MP a nice compliment.

I figure y’all would like hearing about the obstructions from someone else, and I feel good seeing others do it so I’m not just the whiny kook.

Thanks again to Ceetar for the heads-up on the Mets admission, and again for today’s Times story.

Go read Faith and Fear.

New York Mets ticket prices: really?

Man, I know this isn’t news but I just experienced it first hand.  Seems all my kids want to go to the opener, so I decided to try and get 4 tickets together.  I even decided that maybe I would spend some bucks and get “good seats.”

First the sticker shock (!)  which quickly made me retreat to $27 promenade reserves….but then I clicked and was offered 4 “Metropolitan Box Bronze” seats.  $203 + fees = $860.   Eight Sixty.  Really?  $860?  You expect me to take a family of 4 to a game for $860????  Really?

Gotta tell you, when you show me ticket options and start with $460 then $450 and the 13th cheapest option is still $203 and it takes until the 22nd cheapest option to get to $98 my reaction is to tell you to go hose yourself.

Pay attention…there are 21 ticket options above $100 and 13 over $200.   Family of 4: over $400 before you eat or park.

I understand it’s a business.   I hope they can get the prices they’re charging.

I bought zero.  Who the heck is paying these prices?

(I have two already as part of my 6-pack, was trying to get 4 together for the family).

Mets Police: home life sitcom edition

Some advice from y’all:

Mets Police Junior really wants to come to Opening Day.  I have a ticket.  He doesn’t have perfect attendance, I will let him come.

He owns a blue/black hybrid hat and he likes it.  He’s 6.

I’m the so-called leader of the Blue Cap Army so I will be there with my blue cap and Mets Police #86 jersey…but I’ll have this kid with me in a hybrid cap.

The obvious solution is to get him to wear a blue one.  I get it.

This morning I tried to picture what will happen when he wants to wear the hybrid.  Anyone out there married?

“Honey, see I’m the leader of the Blue Cap Army and if he wears this then all these guys I don’t know will make fun of me and then my blog will be stupid and….”

Picture the Marge Simpson face.

So what do you think?  Will you guys pick on me?  Can we all agree he’s 6 and it’s cool ?   In the meantime I will try to use jedi mind tricks on him.