Chargers-Raiders Was Like Madden

That game last night was awful (although Bob Papa is great).   It reminded me of me beating my dopey cousin in Madden.
Oh crap it’s third down, I’ll run that passing play he can’t stop.  TD.
Defensive stop in three plays.
I guess I’ll run that same pass play.  TD.
The Raiders are awful.
Meanwhile in the green side of the Meadowlands, let me Paul Mcguire them…they won’t win another game.

Taxpayer Field Hex?

As much as I hope Jerry & The Gangstas win 15 straight championships, I kinda like the idea of the Corporate Bailout Stadium Name being a hex on this team.   Not that I want them to lose, but the Wilpons sort of deserve a hex.

Click the link for the hex.

Admit it, deep down don’t you wish we could blame 2007 & 2008 on a bank?  Wouldn’t it kind of be awesome if the Mets kept meeting horrible endings until this stadium gets a new non-bailout name and then they win it all?

Daily News on Yankee Stadium $

The Daily News is doing a great job keeping an eye on what’s happening in the Bronx.

First, the jobs. The Yankees are moving across the street. Does anyone really believe that 1,000 new permanent jobs will be created?

Darn, I wish I had written that.

There wouldn’t be a need to spend hundreds of millions of tax dollars to build new parks if elected officials hadn’t secretly given Macombs Dam Park and part of Mullaly Park away to the baseball team. Contrary to the city’s claim that the project expands park space, the community is losing four acres.

During troubled economic times such as these, news that a project will bring in new tax revenue is positive. But Pinsky failed to explain the other side of the balance sheet: $180 million in breaks on property tax and other taxes; nearly $300 million in capital costs to replace the parks and demolish the old Yankee Stadium, and nearly $1 billion in tax-free financing.

All together, city taxpayers are chipping in nearly $500 million for the project, and costs are growing.

Cool Taxpayer Field Video

Thanks Star-Ledger for this cool video of Taxpayer New Shea Field. I encourage everyone not to use the official name.

Citi Field is almost done

Pedro Exposed (NY Magazine)

Always great to see more people jumping on the Pedro Exposed bandwagon.   Pedro ran out on Boston the second the Sox won their first World Series in a long long time, and carpetbagged his way to the Mets to become the face of the franchise and some curious marketing decisions made by the GM.

I can’t believe I missed this one but New York Magazine jumped on the Pedro Bash.  Ecerpts below and the full thing here.

 It’s hard to argue that the signing was successful in pure baseball terms: Martinez was great through 2005 and the first two months of 2006, then got injured, struggled through the season, and missed the playoffs. After surgery, he openly discussed retirement and missed most of 2007  while the best Mets team in twenty years came up justshort of the World Series. (MP assumes he means 2006).   Pedro made five starts in the last month of the ’07 season, pitching well — but not well enough to help the Mets avoid one of the worst collapses in baseball history. For those five starts, he earned $14,002,234. Last season brought twenty mostly ineffective starts. His ERA was 5.62, by far the highest of his career. Four years wasn’t too much to give Pedro. Two, it seems, was pushing it.

Pedro’s early “success” fooled the Mets into thinking big-name players were all it took to become champions. (Or become the Yankees — whatever.) Thus: Beltran, solid; Wagner, destroyed by injuries; Delgado, initially effective and then a mess until the second half of last season; Santana, outstanding — for now, just like Pedro in his first season — and with five more years to go; and Castillo, horrific, and with three more years to go. The team spent a ton of money with no World Series to show for it. Once those contracts end, odds are that the Mets will breathe the same sighs of relief that they are now with Pedro leaving.