Good Luck To Bears

The Newark Bears may have a new owner. That's good for the Atlantic League, a very cool league – and good for Newark. Personally I think Newark is an ugly place to go. You can drop a brand new unnecessary hockey arena in the middle of town, but its still a scary dark block to the parking lot and you can forget about mass transit if you live west of Newark.

My negativity aside I'd like to see the Bears succeed (although they won't) for the good of the league.

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Good Lupica On Stadium Ripoffs

Good Lupica today

This week the News’ Juan Gonzalez reported that over the past several years the Yankees have overstated their expenses by more than $24 million as a way of underpaying rent to the city. Gonzalez reported in the same column that since 2001 the city has forgiven the Yankees $5 million a year off its annual rent to pay for planning costs on its new baseball palace across 161st Street from the old one. When caught, the Yankees agreed to pay up in full, making it sound practically heroic.

It was also in the Times this week that the cost to the city on infrastructure for both new New York City ballparks – parks, garages, road improvements, commuter rail stations – has jumped by $458 million over time. In addition, the Times reminded us that the two teams, combined, are getting nearly half-a-billion in city, state and federal tax breaks.

Gary Carter Is A Quack + Willie Watch

The new manager of the LI Ducks is……Gary Carter?

Why Gary?  That job can’t pay that much.   Do you hope to win 100 games (does the Atlantic League even play 100 games) and prove you deserve a shot to snipe at Jerry Manuel the next time the Mets drop 4 straight?

Meanwhile Willie took a job as…..the Brewers bench coach?   Under a new manager?   What’s the strategy there – hope the new guy sucks?   Why not hit the beach and enjoy Omar’s money?   Isn’t it odd that Hank didn’t throw this guy a Yankee bone?   Very odd.

Anyway it was nice to write something original instead of a bunch of links to other people’s hard work.  Nothing much happening in Flushing since Seaver walked out of the building in September.

Seaver Wins 300th And Other Yankee Stadium Stuff

Continuing my lazy off-season week of just linking to stuff….

This cool article is about various events at Yankee Stadium II including Jeter’s Mr. November game (I was there, best game I have been at) and Seaver’s 300th win which means fellow blogger osh41 is just seconds away from posting his own version of the story.

I was invited to the game but decided to go hang out with some teenagers (one particularly cute one) at the pool.