Congratulations Rays As Yankee Panic Sets In

Congratulations to the Tampa Bay Rays on winning their franchise record 71st game.  Yes this team has been so awful that 71 is the record, and they set the record on August 10th.   Think about it, if they lose from now until football season this will still be their best year ever.   They can end on a 45 game losing streak and still have their best season ever.   That’s awful.

While the Rays cruise to the AL East title, Yankee Panic has set in.   The Yankee fans that were always confident (and correct) that Joe Torre would find a way, do not have the confidence that Joe Girardi will.    The wild card isn’t that far out of reach, but you can tell the Yankee Fans know deep down that it isn’t going to happen.    Wouldn’t it be something if the Formerly Brooklyn Dodgers won it all.

You’ve seen the last of Ian Kennedy.   They didn’t like his awful performance and they sure as heck didn’t like his comments afterward.  He joins the Rotation of The Damned with Kei Igawa.  

This time next year Hank, Girardi, Jim Hall and Manny Ramirez will all be playing across the street from the ghosts.

Evil Giants And Their PSLs

Hooray for the Post on covering this poor guy, and three cheers for the Post for covering the Giants Evilness.

The Post Discussed The Evil Giants
 “I don’t know how they could spring this on fans during a subprime mortgage crisis where fans are more worried about their homes than PSLs,” said Swingle, who is undecided on whether he’ll keep the tickets.

Pay attention ding ding ding Mr. Swingle.  Clearly there is no way that the Giants (or the Jets) can compete, win a Super Bowl or attract Hall of Fame QB’s to play in the crumbling ancient Giants Stadium.   Without billing half-century ticket golders like yourself for 20 grand, the Giants would likely fold by 2013.  It is not as if the NFL has a successful TV contract, labor stability or a plan to share revenue among teams.

And here’s another link

Mets Police Photos Of Bad Jersey Decisions

This dude has a BLACK #16 Cone jersey.   Where do we begin.

A visit to the awesome Mets By The Numbers Website helps me remember when Cone wore 16 at all.  I remembered 44 and the bad decision to switch to #17 (because why would they retire that?).  

Give up?  He wore it when he was a Met for a Month at the end of his career in 2003.  After being a Yankee etc.   Scarily I also saw a Cone 16 t-shirt in the mens room.   Really.

Next we have a Lastings Milledge jersey.  Not a good call.   I guess he thought he’d be a star.

Finally, I leave you with some hope.  Look at this fan.  A blue hat with a pinstriped Mazzilli jersey.  It was #13, where as Mets Police know that Lee’s true number was #16 which was being used by a cocaine addict in 1986 when Lee returned.  However, any Mazzilli jersey is cool.   Look at his friend next to him with the dopey black and orange wright jersey.  I guess Wright was a 1984 Oriole.

Don’t Show Up At Shea? Does this Look like 54,242 To You?

Yes yes yes, I understand it’s paid attendance.

Well 54,242 people allegedly had tickets for today.    A few facts about today:

  • a giveaway (Wagner bobblehead)
  • a big division game against the Marlins
  • a game that’s part of the 7-pack that gets you the final game at Shea
  • a Mr. Mets Dash (cancelled after they heard one thunderclap.  I can’t kill them for the decision – they don’t need a kid killed by lightning.

So you’d expect a big crowd.  A big 54,000 crowd.

But where is everyone?  Here’s the crowd during the second inning (above), and then again in the sixth (below).