The Favre Solution

Invite him to training camp. 

Let him be the #3 QB and sit there and rot until he gives up and retires.

Let his streak snap Week 1 when he’s the #3 QB.   Don’t even put him in for one snap.

That was easy wasn’t it?

Mainstream Media Finally Paying Attention To Giants PSL’s

With the exception of Phil Mushnick (of course) the mainstream media has more or less been giving The Giants a free pass on the PSL’s.

The Times finally got around to it today, with a great piece – although I feel like I write the same thing a month ago (“Open Letter To…” over there on the left side of the website).

Anyway, it’s good to have more people fighting the good fight.

For the record I don’t have Giants tickets, nor am I a fan.  It’s just wrong.

Today the Times wrote about this ghuy:

He is 75, a former union lithographer, a gourmet cook by avocation, a passionate sports fan who is furious at the fan-gouging sports world in general and the Giants in particular, with good reason. He is one of the die-hards who got into Yankee Stadium 40 years ago, followed his team to the Yale Bowl and Shea Stadium and stayed in, for the last 32 in Giants Stadium, without complaint.

“There is nothing wrong with the place we’ve been playing in,” Palma said. “Why the heck did we have to move in the first place?”

 Amen brother.  The entire piece is here:  Times Writes About Giants PSL’s.

Prices May Send a Giants Fan to the Exit
Published: August 1, 2008
The Giants’ decision to implement personal seat licenses in their new, $1.6 billion stadium will cost them the loyalty of long- time fans who refuse to pay more for tickets.

Win Friends By Wearing Dykstra Jersey

Was at the Springsteen concert last night and hanging out with a guy in a Dykstra Mets jersey.

You wanna make friends, buy a Dykstra jersey.

You don’t see many Dykstra jerseys now that you think about it.

Anyways, tons of people we walking up to this guy and telling him how cool it is.

It will not help you get chicks unfortunately.

Osh41 would take points off for it not being a jersey Lenny ever wore (black shading, no piping) – but it was not black and it had pinstripes.  If only the Mets could do this in real life.

I really have nothing to say about the trade deadline other than the obligatory “Mets didn’t get anyone” post.

We will be seeing Joe Torre in October.   Good for Joe and his new best friend Manny.

Maine injury not good.

There are still seats available on my Jon Niese fan club bus.  Please hop on board now before it’s trendy.

We’re looking at big time “Four Inning Pedro” tonight.  The Mets have him capped at 80 pitches.  Somebody might want to start stretching out their arm now.

Bruce needs to come on before 9:30 but you can read about that here

Survey: Do You Really Need "Mets Didn’t Get Anyone" Generic Type Posts

As I dive deeper into this blogging thing, I feel like I’m “supposed” to jump on line at 4:01 and write “The Mets Didn’t Get Anyone” and an empty paragraph.   No offense, but plenty of bloggers did just that today.
I’m not saying by any means my stuff is better or cooler or dumping on anyone but why do we do that?  Why do we all write the “Mets just won/Mets just lost” post at 10:01pm?
So a few questions for you:
What is wrong with us bloggers?
Does anyone really care about generic posts?

Manny To Marlins For Free? Plus Ichiro & Pudge Thoughts

Michael Kay (who doesn’t care about Football Giants fans, see previous post) explained the potential Ramirez-to-Marlins trade.    The Marlins are supposedly asking Boston to pay $7 million of the contract.   With a third of the season left, that means the Red Sox are going to pay $7 million of a third of the $20 million contract – so basically the Marlins would get Manny for free.

If Boston is willing to pay to not have this guy, I’m glad he’s not coming to Flushing.

Great trade by the Yankees today.  They get a player who can play catcher every day.   While the Mets Police are major proponents of winning with home grown players, in this case the home grown player Posada is out for the year.  So this is like the 2000 Mets getting Mike Bordick.   Pudge will never be “a Yankee” but the real Yankees, which I think now might be just Jeter, shouldn’t be punished because a dude got injured.

Congratulations to Suzuki of Seattle on his 3,000th hit.  Mets Police salute the achievement of the player whose first name is Ichiro, and think he should be in the Hall of Fame when he is done playing.   Mets Police do not support a player wearing his first name on the uniform (to be fair it was not Suzuki’s idea) and definitely do not approve of television networks listing his as anything other than Suzuki.   If a player on the Mets wore say “Jose 7” the blog would need a new editor in chief because the original Mets Police Commissioner would be hospitalized.     Regardless, that is a conversation for another day – congratulations to Suzuki!