Does Anyone Have The Number For The Bullpen Phone In St. Louis?

I’d like to place a call to the bullpen tonight (around 9:00 eastern) so Four Inning Pedro doesn’t start the fifth.  If anyone has the number let me know, or just call yourself and say “It’s Jerry, get someone up.”
Hang up before they ask any questions.
Jerry will see someone warming and then begin to think about pitching.  
In other news, the Empire State Building is talking about the anti-Met conspiracy.  Well not the building itself, the manager:
We’re bipartisan here at the Empire State Building and love both of our home teams equally. Because the Yankees won two of the three scheduled games for this past weekend’s Subway Series at Shea, the building was lighted in Yankees blue-and-white on Monday night. As you may remember, the Mets won the Subway Series weekend last May, so the building was lighted in Mets blue and orange as a result. Thus, both teams are 1-1 for the overall 2008 Subway Series season, just like the results from last year. We’re glad to see New York City’s baseball fans getting into the fun spirit of the Subway Series games with hopes of team-color bragging rights lit up on the Empire State Building.
Meanwhile, in the Bronx, even Hank realizes that the Rays are real:
“Not just this one series (Boston), but maybe the next couple series is going to be pivotal,”

Yankees Do Nice Thing

Blogging can get so darn negative that it’s nice to say something nice.

A-Rod and the Yankees hosted an 18 year old with terminal cancer who wanted just one more at bat. has the story

A resident of Freedom, Pa., Challis first met the Yankees during their recent trip to Pittsburgh. He said he will keep his allegiance with the Pirates, but Challis wanted to see Yankee Stadium in its final year, and on Tuesday he got his wish.


John Challis, best of luck to you.

“If I was able to make one person realize how anything can be taken away in one swift swipe, then, sort of, my word got spread,” Challis said. “That makes me feel good.”

I’m Supposed To Blog About The Mets, Right?

I'm just bored with this .500 dance. Nothing happens. They won last night but Four Inning Pedro goes tonight.

The Mets seem to have moved to some division where they never play 7pm games. It's annoying. I just want to go to bed.

The all black uniforms and hats last night were hideous. They aren't even a good looking softball team.

31,000 in Tampa last night. Not bad (for them) but they could do better. Rays-Bosox on ESPN tonight. Welcome to Rays Century. Someone tell Hank to check the standings, and someone keep the standings away from George. Let him live out his days in peace without fretting over The Rays.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

The Bonds Ball

I’m glad that home run 756 has made it to the Hall of Fame.

I will not dignify the thing that was done to the ball nor the name of the man that did it, nor will I display a picture of his marketing logo.

However, I’m glad the ball is there. It is baseball history, and Bonds may not be the kind of hero you wanted him to be – but it’s way too late for everyone to get high and mighty about steroids.

There was a tickertape parade for Sammy Sosa in NEW YORK CITY (a parade for a Cub for hitting the second most homers ever?) so it’s really annoying at this point for people to hate Bonds or Clemens or for Keith and Gary to talk about how it was obvious in 1991.

It was obvious, and everyone kept their mouth shut and got paid.

Congratulations to the Home Run King, season AND career: Barry Bonds.

Odd (and late) Steroids Conversation on SNY

Whoa….Gary Cohen and Keith are talking about ‘roids and how it was obvious to Keith in 1989 that someone showed up way heavier…and cohen said it was obvious in 1991-92 that something was going on.Really?I don’t recall hearing Gary mention this on any games when he was sitting there with Bob Murphy. Didn’t the Mets play the Cardinals and Cubs a few times in the 1990’s?A little late guys. You kept your mouth shut for 15 years, don’t start now.