John Sterling Is Your Uncool Buddy

John Sterling could actually be ‘good’ if he would just drop the annoying forced cliches.   He’s a comfortable listen until he starts with “It is high! It is far!  It’s off the top of the wall!”

I’m not a physics major but maybe it could have had a high arc and hit the wall. Maybe it was hit ‘far’ to hit any 8 foot fence but how could it be high and far and come down at such any abrupt angle?

Imagine you’re at the sports bar and you’re buddy says to you, “An A-Bomb for A-Rod!”.  You would punch him in the nose and go look for some girls to talk to.

What about your socially awkward coworker who calls the first baseman “The Giambino.”.

And what the heck is “Robbie Cano and what do you know” or whatever it is he says.  Last time anyone talked like that they were in black and white and wearing a fedora.

Sterlingnator, just call the game and stop with the signature calls.    It’s not cool at all.

Mets Have 9.2% Chance Of Winning The Division

ESPN write about a great site called Cool Standings.  

Basically it simulates the season one million times a day, uses some stats you can read about there – and spits out a number.

The Mets have a 9.2% shot at the division, only a 5.2% shot at the Wild Card for a total 14% chance of making it.   

I hope that Cool Standings are wrong and that the Mets do make it, but then again I was the guy who spent most of the 1990’s telling friends the Mets “were done” on April 30th because Bobby V always had them 8 games back.   I was also always right.

Yankees fans (10%) might hate this site, but it’s looking good for The Rays and for Joe Torre’s Formerly Brooklyn Dodgers.

Does Anyone Know Who "Joe Torre" is?

I was looking at the standings (I need to know how the Rays did, they won), and I see that the Formerly Brooklyn Dodgers are a half game out.  I thought that might make Fred Wilpon happy.

I was wondering who manages that team – turns out the guys name is Joe Torre.   Joe was an available manager during the past offseason when Omar decided to keep Willie Randolph.  

Joe Torre apparently piloted a baseball team to 12 consecutive post-seasons, and is even from Fred Wilpon’s magical place – Brooklyn.

I wonder why the Mets didn’t give this man a call?  I guess they think Willie will pilot the 2008 Mets to the pennant.

Oh well…we can dream…..I can almost picture Joe Torre in a Met uniform now…

Fireworks Just Woke Me Up (in 1985)

I always think of the great fireworks game from 1985 when I think of Juky 5th.  Sure the game started on July 4th and lots of people brought this up yesterday, but I want to sleep in this morning so here’s a generic pre-post.

July 4, 1985 — Braves-Mets July 4th marathon game (fireworks at 4 a.m. ET). Rick Camp kept the Braves alive with his two-out 18th-inning homer and then allowed the Mets to end this marathon contest with five runs in the 19th inning. After this twice rain-delayed game concluded at 3:55 a.m. ET, some Atlanta citizens were awoke by the Independence Day fireworks display.

Stars Hats With Black, Really?

Mets Police are off to enjoy fireworks but come on guys, did Charlie Samuels not realize the $35 hats would look better with gray than black.

Idiots. Over and over and over. Never ends. They yet again look like the Dunder Mifflin softball team.

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