Wang: Boom

Newsday reports he’s out for the season. Boom.

But How Many Fans Did Howie Rose Count?

The Iowa Cubs played in front of zero fans on Saturday. Because of the flooding, a curfew did not allow any fans to attend the game, but the team decided to play anyway.

It is rumored that Howie Rose was broadcasting the game and said “about 40,000” in the stands, as he often says of obviously empty Shea Stadium. No confirmation of that yet as Howie was supposed to be in Flushing at the undomed stadium across from the new undomed stadium.

ESPN’s Stadium Travel Guide

I don’t have time now to really break this down but ESPN has posted a “Stadium Travel Guide.”

The suggestion for “nearest sports bar” is on Steinway Street. That may actually be accurate, but anyone with an understanding of Queens knows that hitting the sports bar on Steinway Street before the game ain’t exactly like hitting Stan’s at Yankee.

It’s fun that the list comes with a map and not one thing listed is on the map. Closest food is 108th street.

Hopefully Citi Field will hook us up with a normally priced bar, since there is no dome.

Nitpick away:


>An actual adult male in his twenties went to yesterday’s doubleheader. He told me:

1. They left after the first game and Mets personnel were encouraging people to stay as they left the building. That’s interesting. I’m sure Howie Rose said “40,000” stayed for the second game.

2. Adult Male in His 20’s said that he didn’t realize they could stay for both games. He had never heard of such a thing and assumed he needed a second ticket. Wow. the Mushnick Generation has come of age – this Adult Male in His 20’s has never heard of a traditional doubleheader….and probably has never seen a daytime World Series game.

>The Quoatble Minaya

>“These are our coaches today,” Minaya said. “I think we’re not playing up to our potential. I always leave room to evaluate things.”
2 hours ago USA Today

“It’s fair to say that Willie’s our manager and as I said before, that situation is always under evaluation,” Minaya said when asked about Randolph managing tonight in Anaheim. “I’m always evaluating that situation. That’s what it is.”
7 hours ago New York Post