China has issued behavior guidelines for foreign visitors. There are a few reports trickling out on the internet, but only the Wall Street Journal version contains this language:
Inside Olympic venues, too, it is illegal to display “any religious, political, and ethnic slogans, banners, and other items”– but the guidelines don’t give any specific examples of what such items might be.
I’m not saying it’s accurate or not, just that The Guardian and a chinese news source didn’t mention that, and I haven’t seen the release. But that’s not that the point….
I’m troubled by: illegal to display “any religious, political, and ethnic slogans, banners, and other items
So I can’t bring a “Go USA” sign? Can I wear a cross around my neck? A guy i know wears a small Christian symbol on his jacket – will he be jailed? What about someone from Cleveland bringing a “Go Tribe” pennant?
Here’s where I saw it:
And what ever happened to Banner Day at Shea? Do they still have it? Maybe if a rainout forces a double-header they could send off Shea with one last solid Banner Day Doubleheader!