Santana & Maine, pray for rain

Wow. 3:42pm. 9-0.
The Mets have two reliable staters.
Can’t wait to see the announced attendance. Lots of empty orange seats on SNY.
UPDATE 3:47. 12-0. Wow.

Omar Is Wrong!

“All of us are disappointed with what happened last season,” Minaya said. “But at some point, you have to move on. And if we’re going to move on, we really need the fans on our side.”

This so offends me. Don’t tell me how to feel!

Omar, we’re on your side. We want to win. We too wanted meaningful games in September, we just thought maybe The Mets could win 8 of 17.

You’ve yet again assembled a team of over the hill outsiders. You have one guy that’s 7-5 since June 2006. An over the hill LFer. You signed Julio Franco to a two year deal last year!

You’ve got a manager who is letting the SS become a knucklehead. Wouldn’t mind if someone like Jeter (yeah I said it) could come across town for a day to teach this kid how to play. Omar, you’re looking at the problem.

Win games, the booing stops. Very simple.

The Booing

Here’s an article in the Albany Times Union about booing. The Mets Police point out that The Mets are Bob Stanley away from having won once in 45 years. Even with some magic it’s twice.

We boo because you saddle us with Vince Coleman and Bobby Bonilla and hideous black jerseys and 15 years of Fran Healy calling games. Win some playoff games and everyone will shut up.

By BRIAN ETTKIN, Staff writer Click byline for more stories by writer. First published: Wednesday, April 30, 2008
You suspected toxic gases had infected the atmosphere when fans booed Johan Santana after he yielded three homers in his first home start as a Met, despite introducing himself by pitching superbly in his two preceding starts.

Then it got worse.

Something has spread like disease at Shea Stadium, but instead of inducing fits of coughing, it causes piques of booing.
So they boo Willie Randolph when he wakes in the morning, and they boo Carlos Delgado because he fails most every night; and on the rare occasions Delgado’s performance merits applause, such as Sunday’s two-homer game, he understandably declines the curtain call.

They boo Aaron Heilman as if he were pro wrestling’s biggest heel.

For the moment, Shea’s grounds crew is spared.

All of this is fine, of course. Other than ceasing to attend games en masse, booing is one of the few ways for fans to voice their displeasure and be heard. But this booing is different. It’s as if fans come to games waiting for the slightest provocation to discharge pent-up venom and stingers.
It’s as if The Collapse happened yesterday, though the 2008 season is now 25 games old. Mets fans are still angry, still lugging a chip as large as the Unisphere on their shoulder. They don’t like their team’s middling start and have made this abundantly clear.

But there’s another force at play: a loss of perspective, even by New York standards.

The Collapse is a leading candidate for worst baseball free fall ever. But some Mets fans consider it a star-crossed example of how unlucky a lot they are. Well, guess what? Many fans wish to “suffer” as the Mets’ have.

For all their alleged misfortune, Mets fans have experienced two World Series championships and four pennants since their 1962 inaugural season. The Mets have had 22 winning seasons in the past 39 years. They’ve advanced to the World Series four of the seven times they’ve made the postseason and came within a base hit in 2006 of making another.

They’re not the most successful big-league franchise, not even close; you need only look across town to see who that is. But Mets fans haven’t suffered nearly as much as their aggrieved self-image and behavior suggests.

The Chicago Cubs haven’t won a World Series in 100 years, and yet the mood at Wrigley Field is — get this — almost always joyous. Between 1946 and 1983 the Cubs never made the playoffs, and yet Mets fans are embittered?

Pittsburgh Pirates fans have reason to boo from the national anthem’s last note until the final out. Their team’s streak of 15 consecutive losing seasons is the longest current one in major U.S. pro sports. Through blind luck you’d think the Pirates would win more than they lose one year. But they don’t. And unlike the Mets, they’re a small-market team with a small payroll that hinders them.

The Kansas City Royals are nearly as bad as the Pirates, with one winning season in the past 14.
Then there’s the Milwaukee Brewers, who’ve made the playoffs only twice in the franchise’s 39 years.

Those are just some of the starkest examples of true torment.

Mets fans can boo if they wish; and if they wish to cast themselves as baseball’s hard-bitten suffering class, none of us will boo them for it.

A few of us might chuckle, though.

Bobby V Movie

Quiet Day. Leave Delgado alone. If you were going to bitch about Delgado you should have bitched when they made yet another free agent signing to replace a home grown player (Mike Jacobs).

Anyways, there’s a movie about Bobby Valentine coming out on May 13th and since it’s a quiet day, I’ll share. Bobby was the king of finishing second when he was in America.

Willie Watch

Three excerpts from Bob Klapisch in The Record…..right on par with The Mets Police: Willie does nothing and the SS is Over-Reyes.

The entire piece is here

One person familiar with Fred and Jeff Wilpon’s philosophy says “the honeymoon is over” for both the manager and general manager. That means the Mets have to do more than simply remain competitive with a mediocre field in the National League. With a $140 million payroll, the Mets should be good enough to run away from the rest of the East; that’s the consensus from the franchise’s highest echelons. That’s why a win over the Braves was symbolically important to the Mets, because it reminded everyone in the clubhouse what efficient baseball feels like.

Randolph initially won over the Wilpons not as a tactical genius (he’s not), but as a master motivator: street smart, tutored by Joe Torre and Billy Martin, able to speak the language of his players. But Randolph is detached, if not aloof, and his toughness has morphed into a joylessness that’s been rubbing off on the Mets for more than a year now. They’re just three games over .500 since May 19, which suggests something is wrong about the culture in the clubhouse.

Jose Reyes is one of the Mets’ problems: His average fell to .237 after he went hitless in four at-bats against Atlanta, and he is starting to hear steady boos from the Shea crowd. Whether or not Randolph can reach his shortstop — he couldn’t last year during September’s collapse — may well determine his job security.