In honor of the new movie let’s do an opportunistic post about one of the most famous Mets fans, Spiderman.
In this first video we see what happens when the fences move in. There’s probably a Jason Bay cheap-shot in here but I won’t take it.
Breaking down the video we learn several things.
The OFer is cheering on “Tommy baby” who possibly has a no-hitter in the 6th. There is “a man on.” It’s unclear if the OFer means the batter is weak or if Tommy has a no-no.
I tried to find an actual game this could have been – keying off 2-0 Seaver losses – but couldn’t find a 2-0 Seaver loss at home. I guess it’s possible that the Mets come back and win a game after “Tom” gives up the homer. This is some Mark Simon stuff I don’t have time for.
Looks like Spidey is wearing a 1937 Giants throwback cap today (look at the NY). He also holds his hot dog full fisted like it’s an ice cram cone.

Spiderman comics also correctly predicted the pinless uniforms

And unfortunately predicted what happens to Mets outfielders

Next, we see that Peter Parker is depressed that the Mets often lose. (click on it to embiggen)
And despite all that, Spidey was married at Shea Stadium.
And kids, never forget the most important Spiderman lesson: that trendy black uniform is likely a parasite trying to kill you.
Love that last sentence.