>The Mets have shown a remarkable ability this year to rebound in games following awful blown leads (and they had a lot of practice). That they gave it up 2 days in a row against the —-ing Braves may put this nice trend to an end. I really think that those 2 games have shattered this teams confidence and will send them on a spiral worse than last year. I fear them not even making it to the last day with a chance to make even a playoff. I have bent over backwards trying to be an optimist but how many games can a team absolutely GIVE away before it casuses mental trauma??

I feel bad for Jerry – there is absolutely no one out there he can rely on for a consistent performance each day. No one. Heilman is a lost cause and in his final days here, Sanchez is a rehab case, Schoenweiss is the new lefthanded Doug Sisk, hated by fans and never trusted. The ‘situational’ guys don’t do their jobs. They just have seemed to have forgotten what to do out there. The biggest problem I see is ‘strike one’. They simply don’t get ahead in the count and let me tell you, when you are ahead in the count most MLB hitters have about a 80% idea of what is coming next and that spells trouble.

If the season ends and they make it – go ahead call me a quitter etc. I’m a realist. I just think that it’s gotten to the point where they can’t summon up the strength to do it.

Still going to try for playoff tix tomorrow – prove me wrong and I’ll gladly pay the freight, I would love it.