MLB Players Union Scrambling To Protect Itself

Almost lost in the media frenzy of A-Rod’s admission to using steroids – and potentially a much bigger and more far-reaching problem – is the role that Gene Orza and the MLB Players Association had in the 2003 testing, results, and subsequent testing.

At almost the same time as A-Rod was addressing the media at Yankee camp yesterday, the MLBPA was distributing memos to all of its members – either directly or simply leaving them in lockers.

The memo – from union head Donald Fehr and the union’s head lawyer Michael Weiner, – directs players to be careful when discussing the 2003 tests and gives them a series of questions they may face with suggested answers they should give. Among them is one specifically about Gene Orza allegedly tipping off players about 2004 testing.

The union is facing heavy criticism, both for its actions and inactions during the steroid era. Clean players are beginning to break ranks, calling for harsher penalties then the union wants (David Ortiz called for a 1 -year banishment for a first offense).